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- ChaCha
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- CMACoa
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- CulCum
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- CurCur
- CurCus
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- CvlCye
- CyfCyr
- CyrCzy
- Cro-Mags
- Croatia Squad
- Croatia Squad & Morgan, Lika
- Croatia Squad, Sugarstarr & Alexander
- Crobot
- Croc Shop
- Crocadile (Saint Lucian musician)
- Croce Atroce
- Croce, A.J.
- Croce, A.J. feat. Cropper, Steve
- Croce, A.J. feat. Gill, Vince
- Croce, Jim
- Croce, Jim & Croce, Ingrid
- Croce, Jim & Ingrid
- Croce, Jim feat. Croce, Ingrid
- Croce, Sean Della
- Crocell (Danish Melodic Death Metal)
- Crochet (Math rock band from Las Vegas, NV)
- Crochet, Cleveland
- Crochetière, Julie
- Crockett (80s inspired electronic musician)
- Crockett, Alison (jazz/soul singer)
- Crockett, Billy
- Crockett, Charley
- Crockett, G.L.
- Crockett, James (artist from Virginia)
- Crocketts, The
- Crocodiles (US indie rock/noise pop band)
- Crocodiles, The (New Zealand band)
- Crocodylus
- Croft, Beth
- Croft, Lucille (Australian Bass Music Artist)
- Croft, Lucille feat. Martin, Micah
- Croft, Rachel
- Crofters, The
- Croisille, Nicole
- Croisille, Nicole & Lai, Francis
- Croisille, Nicole et Barouh, Pierre
- Croissant, Eva
- Croix, Tanja La (model and house‐/electro‐DJ from Switzerland)
- Croixx
- Croker, Brendan
- Croker, Brendan & 5 O’Clock Shadows, The
- Croker, Theo (US jazz trumpeter, composer, producer and vocalist)
- Croker, Theo feat. Dos Santos, Charlotte
- Croker, Theo feat. Jean, Wyclef
- Croker, Theo feat. Lennox, Ari
- Croker, Theo feat. Malaya
- Croker, Theo feat. May, Ego Ella
- Croker, Theo feat. Omari, Iman
- Croker, Theo feat. Overall, Kassa
- Croll, Dan
- Crom (German Viking/Power Metal)
- Crom (Spanish heavy band '80)
- Croma Latina (Italian latin/salsa/bachata band)
- Crombie (Brazilian band)
- Cromdale
- Cromlech (Welsh folk band)
- Cromok (Malaysia thrash metal band)
- Cromonic
- Cromwell, Dot
- Cromwell, Rodney (UK indie/synthpop artist)
- Cronauer, Chris
- Crone, Carina
- Crone, Victor (Swedish singer)
- Cronian
- Cronica (Polish Folk Metal band)
- Crónicas del Mercenario (Argentine power/progressive metal band)
- Cronin, Kaurna
- Cronin, Mikal (US garage rock musician)
- Cronin, Oliver
- Cronistes
- Cronómetrobudú
- Cronos (British metal band with Conrad "Cronos" Lant)
- Cronos (British metal musician Conrad Lant)
- Cronos Debe Morir (Skate punk from Chile)
- Cronshaw, Andrew
- CROOK (pop artist)
- Crook & The Bluff
- Crook, General (60s/70s Funk musician General Columbus Crook Jr., "Main Squeeze")
- Crook, Jennifer
- Crook, Willy (Argentine musician)
- Crooked Brothers
- Crooked Colours
- Crooked Colours feat. Ladyhawke
- Crooked Fiddle Band, The
- Crooked Fingers
- Crooked I feat. K-Young
- Crooked Jades, The
- Crooked Kings, The
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