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- Clark, Steve (christian music)
- Clark, Steven A.
- Clark, Terri
- Clark, Terry (US Christian music singer-songwriter)
- Clark, Twinkie
- Clark, W.C.
- Clark, Zac
- Clark, Zoe
- Clarke, Allan (of The Hollies)
- Clarke, Andrew
- Clarke, Arthur C.
- Clarke, Augustus
- Clarke, Bunny “Rugs” (Jamaican reggae artist William Clarke)
- Clarke, Cam
- Clarke, CC
- Clarke, Claudelle
- Clarke, Dave (UK techno DJ & producer)
- Clarke, Gilby
- Clarke, Gilby feat. Rose, Axl
- Clarke, Henry (Singer Songwriter)
- Clarke, Ian (British flautist and composer)
- Clarke, Jack (Singer songwriter)
- Clarke, Jeremiah (English baroque composer and organist)
- Clarke, John Cooper (English poet)
- Clarke, Johnny (Jamaican reggae musician, also known as Shy Tony)
- Clarke, Josienne
- Clarke, Josienne & Walker, Ben
- Clarke, Justine
- Clarke, Katie (soprano)
- Clarke, Kenny
- Clarke, Moussa & Terrafunka
- Clarke, Moussa and Terrafunka
- Clarke, Roman
- Clarke, Rozlyne
- Clarke, Sinj
- Clarke, Stanley
- Clarke, Stanley & Duke, George
- Clarke, Stanley, Band, The
- Clarke, Tony (soul artist)
- Clarke, Vince (member of Erasure, Depeche Mode, Yazoo,…)
- Clarke, Warren (aka Rhythmatix & South Central)
- Clarke, Warren & McDonald, Tara
- Clarke, Warren feat. Brown, Kathy
- Clarke, William (US blues harmonica player)
- Clarke/Duke Project, The
- Clarke/Duke Project, The (Stanley Clarke and George Duke)
- Clarkkent (Finnish band)
- Clarks, The (US garage rock band)
- Clarkson Go
- Clarkson, Kelly
- Clarkson, Kelly & Courtney, Lorna
- Clarkson, Kelly & Eldredge, Brett
- Clarkson, Kelly & Grande, Ariana
- Clarkson, Kelly & Parton, Dolly
- Clarkson, Kelly & Stapleton, Chris
- Clarkson, Kelly feat. DioGuardi, Kara
- Clarkson, Kelly feat. Dunn, Ronnie
- Clarkson, Kelly feat. Gill, Vince
- Clarkson, Kelly feat. Gray, Tamyra
- Clarkson, Kelly feat. Martin, Steve
- Clarkson, Kelly feat. Sheila E.
- Clarkson, Kelly feat. Sheila E.
- Claro, Natalie
- Claroscuro
- Clarx
- Clary, Robert
- Clasen, Regy
- Clash (Thai rock group)
- Clash, The (70s–80s British punk rock band)
- Clash, The (uk)
- Clash, The feat. Dread, Mikey
- Clashing Minds
- Clasiqueros, Los (Not be confused with Klazykeroz)
- class (Japanese pop duo)
- Class (Romanian euro house group)
- Class Action (80s US disco group "Weekend")
- Class Action feat. Wiltshire, Christine
- Class Actress
- Class Assassins
- Class Assassins, The
- Class of ’99
- Class of 98, The
- Class, DJ
- Class, Sarah (composer, singer and songwriter)
- Classe Crua
- Classels, Les
- Classic (Polskie disco polo)
- Classic Case
- Classic Crime, The
- Classic Dream Orchestra
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