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- ChaCHA
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- CUDCul
- CulCum
- CumCur
- CurCur
- CurCur
- CurCus
- CusCvl
- CvlCye
- CyfCyr
- CyrCzy
- Creel, Gavin & Henry, Joshua
- Creel, Gavin & Lester, Julia
- Creem (hardcore-punk)
- Creencia, Falsa
- Creep (90s Alternative band)
- CREEP (Lauren Flax & Lauren Dillard)
- CREEP feat. Romy
- CREEP feat. Sia
- Creep Show (collaboration between John Grant and the band Wrangler)
- Creep-P
- Creep-P feat. Chi‐Chi & EXTREME, JACKIE
- Creep, Dr. (US rapper)
- Creep, Dr. feat. TMB
- Creep, Mr. (Synthwave; Loris Valerio)
- Creeper (punk band from Southampton, United Kingdom)
- Creeper Lagoon
- Creepersin
- CreepHyp
- creeping charlie (Indie-rock band from Minneapolis)
- Creeping Death (US death metal band)
- Creeping Flesh (Swedish Death Metal)
- Creeping Night
- Creepmime (Dutch Death Metal)
- Creepoid
- Creeps, The (Swedish punk band)
- Creeps, The (Canadian punk band)
- Creepshow (USA / Black/Thrash Metal)
- Creepshow, The
- Creepxotica
- Creepy Crawlies, The
- Creepy Creeps, The
- Creepy Joe and the Chicago Massacre Quartet
- Creepy Neighbour
- Creepy Nuts (Japanese hip-hop)
- Creepybuggirl
- Creinium
- Crema (Spanish MC)
- Crema del Cielo
- Cremación (Mexico / Black/Thrash Metal)
- Cremation Lily
- Crematory (German goth metal band)
- Creme 21
- Creme D’Cocoa
- Creme de la Creme (hip hop group from Cologne, Germany)
- Creme de la Creme Feat. Firma, Die
- Crème solaire (Swiss electro punk duo)
- Cremonini, Cesare
- Cremonini, Cesare, Elisa
- Crenoka
- Crenshaw, Barclay
- Crenshaw, Marshall
- Crenshaw, Randy & Kyle, Dennis
- Creo
- Crepes
- Crepitation (UK slamming death metal band)
- Creptum (Black Metal from Brazil)
- Crepuscle (US black/death metal)
- Crepúsculo, Joe
- Cres (Spanish rapper)
- Crescendo (UK techno producer Jon Crosse)
- Crescendo (shoegaze/electronic pop band from Los Angeles / 1800Crescendo)
- Crescendo (Thai pop)
- Crescendos, The (American rock and roll band from Nashville, TN. formed in 1957)
- Crescent City Gold
- Crescent Lament (Taiwanese Melodic Black/Symphonic/Gothic Metal band)
- Crescent Ridge (Indie Rock band from Boston, Massachusetts)
- Crescent Shield
- Crescent, The (Finnish black metal (new band with Viktor))
- Crescenzo, Casey
- Crespo Martinez, Mario
- Crespo, Elvis
- Crespo, Elvis & Limi-T 21
- Crespo, Elvis & Víctor Manuelle
- Crespo, Elvis feat. Bachata Heightz
- Crespo, Elvis feat. Cata, El
- Crespo, Elvis feat. D’Cole, Gizelle
- Crespo, Elvis feat. Grupo Manía
- Crespo, Elvis feat. Ilegales
- Crespo, Elvis feat. Maffio
- Crespo, Elvis feat. Pitbull
- Crespo, Elvis feat. Zone D'Tambora
- Crespo, Elvis feat. Zone D'Tambora
- Crespo, Elvis ft. Grupo Manía
- Cress
- Cress, Curt
- Cressida (UK early 70's prog rock band)
- Cresswell, Chris
- Crest (doujin circle)
- Crest of Darkness
- Crest of Waves
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