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- CusCut
- CutCyc
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- CyrCzy
- CzyCzy
- Coffee & Cream (Cleveland)
- Coffee & Wine
- Coffee Creek
- Coffee Date
- Coffee Date & GameChops
- Coffee Date feat. Dj CUTMAN
- Coffee Makers
- Coffee Please
- Coffee Project
- Coffeeshock Company
- Coffey Ministries
- Coffey, Dennis
- Coffey, Dennis feat. Hawthorne, Mayer
- Coffey, Dennis feat. Nutini, Paolo
- Coffey, James
- Coffey, Kellie
- COFFIN (Australian skate punk band Children of Finland Fighting in Norway)
- Coffin Break
- Coffin Caddies, The
- Coffin Daggers, The
- Coffin Nails
- Coffin, David
- Coffinfish
- Coffins (Japanese doom/death metal band)
- Coffinshaker, Rob
- Coffinshakers, The
- Coffinworm
- Coffman, Amber
- Coffman, Keeton
- CofiCarrera (British rapper and producer)
- Cofradía de la Flor Solar, La
- Cog (Filipino metal band)
- Cog (Australian progressive rock band)
- Cog Is Dead, The
- Cog Is Dead, The feat. Johnstone, Nathaniel & Clockwork Knotwork
- Cog Is Dead, The feat. Professor Elemental
- Cog Is Dead, The feat. Steam Powered Giraffe
- Cogan, Alma
- Cogan, Ora
- Cogelones, Los
- Coghlan, John
- Coglitore, Kyle (male rapper)
- Cognito (bay area rapper Michael Reef)
- Cognizance
- Cognizant (United States grindcore/metal)
- Cogoi, Robert (Belgian singer & songwriter)
- Cogs (trcogs)
- Cogumelo Plutão
- CoH (Russian electronic musician)
- Cohan, George M.
- Cohart
- Coheed and Cambria
- Coheed and Cambria feat. Springfield, Rick
- Cohen (Kentucky-based metalcore)
- Cohen, Aaron (US rapper, member of Inner City Kids)
- Cohen, Adam (Canadian singer-songwriter)
- Cohen, Alex
- Cohen, Anat
- Cohen, Anat & Gonçalves, Marcello
- Cohen, Avishai (trumpeter, member of Third World Love)
- Cohen, Avishai (Israeli jazz bassist)
- Cohen, Catman
- Cohen, Charles (Buchla player)
- Cohen, Chris (Indie Pop)
- Cohen, Chris (Deerhoof member, and indie artist)
- Cohen, David Bennett
- Cohen, Eric (Missouri-based hip hop artist)
- Cohen, Erik (hard rock, Germany)
- Cohen, Gabriella
- Cohen, Hannah
- Cohen, Izhar (Israeli singer who won the 1978 Eurovision Song Contest)
- Cohen, Izhar & Alpha-Beta, The
- Cohen, Janileigh (performed "Blues Run the Game" on This is Us)
- Cohen, Jonathan & Stephen
- Cohen, Leonard (Canadian singer‐songwriter and poet)
- Cohen, Leonard (Vernederlandiseringen Parody Name)
- Cohen, Leonard with Felix, Julie
- Cohen, Levi
- Cohen, Nadav
- Cohen, Nick (Cushty)
- Cohen, Riff
- Cohen, Sam
- Cohen, Thomas
- Cohésion (hardcore band from Paris)
- Cohiba (Brazilian Rock Band)
- Cohl, Chase
- Cohl, Mélanie (Belgian 1990/2000s singer, cfr ESC '98)
- Cohl, Mélanie & Sorel, Frédérica
- Cohle
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