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- Splash (Hungarian disco, club/dance)
- Splash (Norwegian child girl group)
- Splash (German dance group, Aimee McCoy, Marcus Deon Thomas alias Eric P. III)
- Splash (german punk band)
- Splash (South African bubblegum band featuring Dan Tshanda)
- Splash Band, The (soundtrack cover band)
- Splash Candy
- Splash Daddy
- Splash, DJ
- Splash’N Boots
- Splashdown
- Splashh
- Splattered Entrails
- Splatterhouse (Portland brutal death metal/grindcore band)
- Splay
- Spleen (French folk singer)
- Spleen (UK art rock)
- Spleen United
- Splender
- Splendid (Angie Hart and Jesse Tobias)
- Splendid (Rocksteady sunshine from the Netherlands)
- Splendid Isolation
- Splendor (Polish visual rock band)
- SPLENDORE (Queer hyperpop artist from Milan, Italy.)
- Splice (Band from Kentucky)
- Spliff (Neue Deutsche Welle)
- Spliffripper
- Splint, Michael
- Splinter (London Punk band)
- Splinter (English 1970/80s vocal duo Bill Elliot & Bob Purvis)
- Splinterbomb
- Splintered Sunlight
- Split BoB
- Split Brain
- Split Chain
- Split Dogs
- Split Enz
- Split Feed
- Split Heaven
- Split Image (German rock/punk band)
- Split Iris (Progressive metalcore from Rauma, Finland)
- Split Lip (American emo band)
- Split Lip Rayfield
- Split Mirrors
- Split Persona
- Split Second (Indie band from Worcestershire, UK)
- Split Second Meltdown
- Split Seconds (Perth, Australia)
- Split Seconds (Australian indie pop band)
- Split The Dealer (UK Artist)
- Split-Second, A (Belgian new beat / EBM band)
- Splithoff, John
- splitme
- Splitsing
- Splitsville (Baltimore power pop band)
- Splitting Edges
- Splittr
- Splitwig
- Splitzismyname
- SPLN CVLT (French Nu Metal Band)
- Splodgenessabounds
- Splonie
- Splutter (a Metal band, ex Rock & Roll Queen)
- Splutter (NY nu-metalcore)
- SPM (rapper Carlos Coy, South Park Mexican)
- SPM (has song "Josephine 2002" with Chris Rea, possibly South African?)
- SPM feat. Ayana
- SPM feat. Baby Bash
- SPM feat. Coast
- SPM feat. Gotti, Juan
- SPM feat. Rasheed
- SPM feat. Rodriguez, Carolyn
- SPM featuring G, Low
- SPM featuring Jazmine
- SPM featuring Lee, Russell
- SPM featuring Marilyn Rylander
- SPM featuring Ortiz, Jessica Marie
- SPM featuring Rodriguez, Carolyn
- Spock’s Beard
- Spod
- Spoegwolf
- Spoelstra, Mark
- Spoil Engine (Belgian metal band)
- Spoil Engine feat. Walker, Jeff
- Spoiled & Zigo
- Spoiler (uk metalcore band)
- Spoiler NYC
- Spoilers (London band. Formed in 2014.)
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