
Observer Songtext
von Solar Fake

Observer Songtext

They′ve found you amongst the waves
I went away 2 weeks ago
On normal days I'm not used to saying goodbye many times
No looking back, but hey you know, just a glimpse to remember the times
I′m not too sentimental, just don't want to forget everything

The distance was growing fast
I still feel your breathing on my skin
Expected you behind me
But you're never there when I look around
So I forge ahead and I feel sure I′ll never get any rest
I′m feeling weak, but I have nothing to regret

Escaped before I fell apart
Why the fuck you broke my heart
Another end, another start
Why the fuck you broke my heart

I can't put them into any order
The million image-shreds of your face
I should not care about you, but get me further away
Can you tell me how I could resist
To watch them saving you from the sea
They′ll surely fail, they'll be too late, it′s too late.

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