- rR
- RRab
- RabRac
- RacRad
- RadRad
- RadRae
- RaeRAF
- RAFRaf
- RafRag
- RagRah
- RahRai
- RaiRai
- RaiRaj
- RAJRal
- RalRam
- RamRam
- RamRam
- RamRan
- RanRan
- RanRan
- RanRap
- RapRap
- RapRar
- RarRas
- RasRas
- RasRat
- RatRav
- RavRAV
- RavRaw
- RawRay
- RayRay
- RayRaz
- RazRe
- reRea
- ReaRea
- ReaReb
- RebRec
- RecRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRee
- Reeree
- reeReg
- RegReg
- RegRei
- ReiRei
- ReiRej
- RejRem
- RemRem
- RemRen
- RenRen
- RenReq
- REQRes
- ResRet
- RetREV
- ReVRev
- RevRex
- RexRey
- ReyRez
- RezRhe
- RheRhy
- RhyRib
- RibRic
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RICRid
- RidRif
- RifRih
- RihRim
- RimRin
- RinR
- RirRit
- RitRit
- RITRiv
- RivRiv
- RivRiz
- RizRKM
- RKMRoa
- RoaRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRod
- RodRod
- RodRoe
- RoeRog
- RogRoj
- RojRol
- RolRom
- RomRom
- RomRon
- RonRon
- RonRon
- RonRoo
- RooRoo
- RooRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRo
- RosRot
- RotRou
- RouRow
- RowRoy
- RoyRoy
- RoyRoy
- RoyRSA
- RSCRub
- RubRud
- RudRud
- RudRuf
- RufRui
- RuiRUN
- RunRun
- RunRuP
- RuPRus
- RusRus
- RusRut
- RutRya
- RyaRyd
- RydRyt
- RytRZO
- re:plus (Hiroaki Watanabe solo project)
- re:plus feat. Butta P & Gigi
- re:plus feat. FlowEthics
- re:plus feat. Ock, Sam
- Re:vale
- Re/ly
- re6ce
- re6ce feat. ThxSoMch
- Rea, Chris
- Rea, Chris & Bassey, Shirley
- Rea, Chris feat. John, Elton
- Rea, Devon
- Reabilitator
- Reação em Cadeia
- Reach (Reach Sweden)
- Reach (New York producer)
- Reach 454
- Reach NYC
- Reach the Sky
- reach up to the universe
- Reacharound
- Reachback
- React (American boy band "Let's Go All The Way")
- Reaction Jacket (Rock Group)
- Reactivos, Los
- Reactor (2000s UK alternative rock band)
- Reactor (Ukrainian industrial death metal band)
- Reactor One (A 3-man rock band with one album, React)
- Reactor7x
- Reactory
- Read Southall Band
- Read, Mark
- Reader, Eddi
- Reader, Eddi with Patron Saints of Imperfection, The
- Reading Rainbow (group later known as Bleeding Rainbow)
- Reading Rainbow (educational children’s television series)
- Readman, David (singer of Pink Cream 69)
- Ready For Death
- Ready for the World
- Ready Kirken
- Ready Player Piano
- Ready Set, The
- Ready Steady Steroids
- Ready The Prince
- Ready, Set, Fall!
- Readymade (from Canada)
- Readymade (Indieband from Germany)
- Readymade FC (French techno/downtempo producer Jean-Philippe Verdin)
- Readymade FC feat. Feist
- Readymade FC feat. Naïm, Yael
- Readymade FC feat. Sylvian, David
- Reagan Capaci
- Reagan Youth
- Reagan, Will
- Reagan, Will & United Pursuit
- Reaganomics, The (Chicago Punk)
- Reagon, Toshi
- ReAktion, The (alternative rock band)
- Reaktive
- Reakton
- ReaL
- Real ABBA Gold, The
- Real Antonios, The
- Real Booty Babes, The
- Real Boston Richey
- Real Boston Richey & Future
- Real Boston Richey & Lil Durk
- Real Boston Richey & Moneybagg Yo
- Real Boston Richey, Lil Crix & Kodak Black
- Real Charanga
- Real Clothes (United States avant-garde/gothic wave)
- Real de Catorce
- Real Estate
- Real Estate feat. Sylvan Esso
- Real Friends
- Real Girls Project (R.G.P.)
- Real Group, The
- Real Group, The & Ericson, Eric
- Real Joy
- Real Kids, The
- Real Lies
- Real Life (Australian new wave/synth-pop band)
- Real Live
- Real McCoy (German dance band, previously known as M.C. Sar & The Real McCoy)
- Real McCoys, The
- Real McKenzies, The (Canadian Celtic punk band)
- Real Milli Vanilli, The
- Real Numbers, The
- Real Ones (Norwegian folk rock band)