- rR
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- RosRos
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- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
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- RuiRUN
- RunRun
- RunRuP
- RuPRus
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- RutRya
- RyaRyd
- RydRyt
- RytRZO
- Reichel, Hans
- Reichel, Kealiʻi
- Reichelt, David
- Reichhardt, Poul (Danish actor)
- REICK (Indian DJ)
- REID (Eoghan Reid)
- Reid Haughton
- Reid-Naiman, Kathy
- Reid, Alaska
- Reid, Alyssa
- Reid, Alyssa feat. Dice B.
- Reid, Alyssa feat. Heist, The
- Reid, Alyssa feat. JRDN
- Reid, Alyssa feat. Jump Smokers
- Reid, Alyssa feat. Preme
- Reid, Alyssa feat. Snoop Dogg
- Reid, Cameron (Singer from South Carolina)
- Reid, Clarence
- Reid, Donald (New Zealand musician)
- Reid, Harvey
- Reid, Irene
- Reid, James (Filipino actor)
- Reid, James & Lustre, Nadine
- Reid, James feat. WOOSUNG
- Reid, JD. feat. D Double E
- Reid, Jenni
- Reid, Johnny
- Reid, Johnny feat. Johnson, Carolyn Dawn
- Reid, Junior
- Reid, Lou
- Reid, Mike (US country artist & former football player)
- Reid, Morgan Taylor (member of 7Lions)
- Reid, Nadia (New Zealand musician)
- Reid, Noah
- Reid, Rohan
- Reid, Romaine
- Reid, Roseanne
- Reid, Terry
- Reid, William (donglekumquat)
- Reidar (FunCharacter created by Øyvind Blunck)
- Reider, Robbie
- Reido (sludge/funeral doom metal band from Belarus)
- Reiff, Callie
- Reiff, Callie & Aviella
- Reigani
- Reign (Latin artist, "Indestructible")
- Reign (Jasmyn Kersey)
- Reign of Kindo, The
- Reign of Terror (Australian Death Metal Band)
- Reign of Terror, The (US metal band)
- Reign of the Architect
- Reign Supreme
- Reignend
- Reigning Days (formerly These Reigning Days, lead singer Dan Steer from Torquay)
- Reigning Sound (US garage punk band)
- Reignwolf
- Reigstad, Anne Hilde og Arve (Anne Hilde Neset)
- Reik (Mexican pop rock band)
- Reik & Maluma
- Reik dueto con Natalia y La Forquetina
- Reik dueto con Sin Bandera
- Reikas Tanz
- REIKI (American record producer, recording artist, and actor)
- Reikowski, Arkadiusz
- Reiley (Singer from Faroe Islands)
- Reilly (US Alt-americana, Christian Rock band)
- Reilly-Roe, Clair
- Reilly, Caroline
- Reilly, Ike
- Reilly, John C.
- Reilly, John C. & Correa, Angela
- Reilly, Maggie
- Reilly, Paddy
- Reilly, Tommy (Scottish singer-songwriter)
- Reim, Matthias
- Reim, Matthias (Duett mit Michelle)
- Reim, Matthias (Duett mit Tyler, Bonnie)
- Reim, Matthias & Michelle
- Reim, Matthias & Versengold
- Reim, Matthias feat. Camilo Azuquita
- Reim, Matthias feat. Tyler, Bonnie
- Reim, Matthias mit Dreilich, Claudius
- Reim, Matthias mit Hertrampf, Dieter
- Reim, Matthias mit Meyle, Gregor
- Reimar, Johnny (Danish singer, guitarist, producer, copywriter and television host)
- Reimer, Peter
- Reimold, Abi
- Rein (Italian folk rock band)