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- The Dead Love (Grunge – Sydney, NSW, Australia)
- The Dead Nobodies
- The Deathtrip (International (United Kingdom / Norway) black metal)
- The Definitive
- The Delirium Effect
- The Dell-Vikings
- The Derevolutions
- The Describers
- The Desoto Caucus (Danish Americana indie rock band)
- THE DESPERADO (visual kei deathcore band)
- The Devils (rock 'n' roll duo from Italy)
- The Dialectic
- The Dirty Hooks
- The Disappearing
- The Disliked (Reggae/Punk/Ska from Luxembourg)
- The Divers (US folk group)
- The Donnies The Amys
- The doug (Artiste français)
- The Doups
- The Drip (US grindcore/deathgrind)
- The Droptines (Alt-Country)
- The Drowned God (Post Hardcore Band)
- The Drowners (Perth band)
- The Dues
- The Dust Coda (London Based Rock Band)
- The Eagle and Child
- The Eastern Plain
- The Eden Project
- The Edge (short-lived early '80s alternative rock band)
- The Edge Of Reason
- The Effort
- The Electric Alley
- The Electric Cactus
- The Elite (Musical group with DJ Coone, Da Tweekaz and Hard Driver)
- The Ember Days (NZ Christian band)
- The Ember, the Ash
- The End Of Electronics (Russian post-punk)
- The End of Melancholy
- The Endorphins (Boston, USA)
- The Enforcers (Hardcore Punk/Oi from Calgary, Alberta)
- The Erly (an American indie rock band)
- The Evidence
- The Experiment No.Q
- The Faceplants
- The Factor Project
- THE FALL EQUINOX (Founded in Goldsboro North Carolina (metalcore/hardcore))
- The Fallen Symmetry
- The Fallen Within (Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore)
- The Fallout Theory
- The False Poets
- The Fame (Canadian rock band)
- The Familiar
- The Family Circle (Soul/funk band from the 70's)
- The FBI Band
- The Fires Of
- The First Times
- The Fisherman & The Sea
- The Five Hundred
- The Flamenco Man
- The Flames (South African Band)
- The Flat Stanleys (MD Indie Emo Band)
- The Flesh Trading Company
- The Flu (Hilt / Skinny Puppy)
- The Flux Fiddlers
- The Fly Guy Five
- The Flycatchers
- The FMs
- The Folk (UK based all girl popfolk)
- The Folk (Uk based all girl popfolk)
- The Followthrough
- The Fooo Conspiracy (The Fooo)
- The Footlight District
- The Force (Thrash Metal from Paraguay)
- The Forces (Psychedelic-soul project of Joshua Boon)
- the forest forgets
- The Fortune Tellers (TFT founded in 2020)
- The Fox 196
- The Free (Rappeur français aussi appelé Freez)
- The Freedom Affair
- The Fretless (Canadian folk string quartet)
- The Frst
- The Fugitives (English Band)
- The Fullerenes
- The Funs
- THE FUSE (Japanese band)
- The Gachises
- The Gallows Dance (Finnish band)
- The Gardener & the Tree
- The Gavel (Thrash Metal/Metalcore from Antioch, Illinois)
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