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- LutLux
- LuxLX
- LXLym
- LymLyn
- LynLyr
- LyrLZR
- Lil’ Mo
- Lil’ Mo feat. Fabolous
- Lil’ Mo’ Yin Yang
- Lil’ O (US rapper)
- Lil’ O feat. Papa Reu
- Lil’ Troy
- Lil’ Wil
- Lil’ Zane (rapper Zane R. Copeland Jr.)
- Lil’B (Japanese pop group)
- Lila (Brazilian singer)
- Lila Drew
- Lila Liu
- Lila Liu feat. Djamal
- LILA SOVIA (German rapper)
- Lila Zing
- Lilac (instrumental hip‐hop artist)
- Lilac (Rock band)
- Lilac Boy
- Lilac Jam (South Dakota Punk / Alt Rock)
- Lilac Kings (Experimental Rock Band)
- Lilac Time, The
- Lilac, Chloe
- Lilacs & Champagne
- Lilacs, The (Chicago, IL)
- Lilacs, The (4 piece INDIE/POP band from the North West of England.)
- Lilas ir Innomine (Lithuanian musical rap duo)
- Lilas ir Innomine feat. Beissoul
- Lilas ir Innomine feat. Ewex
- Lilas ir Innomine feat. G&G Sindikatas
- Lilas ir Innomine feat. Karpiz
- Lilas ir Innomine feat. Oskaras
- Lilas ir Innomine feat. Ra, Radvilas
- Lilas ir Innomine feat. Redko, Evgenya
- Lilas ir Innomine feat. Way, Alice
- Lilas ir Innomine feat. Yga
- Lilas ir Innomine ft. Karpiz
- Lilas, Konstantinas
- Lilblackkids (Georgia Anne Muldrow & Keith Rice)
- lilbootycall
- lilbubblegum
- Lildami
- LilDeuceDeuce
- Lile, Denny
- Liles, Andrew (UK sound artist)
- Lilet (Maria Luz Lilet Navarro Jodloman-Esteban)
- lilgiela33 (brazilian rapper)
- Lilholt, Lars
- Lilholt, Lars feat. Oh Land
- Lili (German pop punk band)
- Lili & Susie
- Lili Alaska
- Lili Drop
- Lili Fatale
- Lili K
- Lili Poe
- Lili, Vita, Sumalinog, Lanie, Doll, Dominik & Ensemble Stage Theater an der Elbe
- Liliac (US hard rock/metal band, Cristea siblings)
- Lilicub
- Lilieae
- Lilies on Mars
- lililL
- LiLiPUT (formerly known as "Kleenex")
- Lilith (Polish gothic metal band)
- Lilith (Colombian rock band)
- Lilith Czar (Juliet Simms)
- Lilith’s Demise
- Lilithzplug
- Lilito (Philadelphia, PA)
- Lilitu
- Lilium
- Liliumdust
- Lilja Bloom (Barbara Lichtenauer)
- Lilja, Max
- Lilja, Tobias
- Liljan Loisto
- Liljeström, Inga (Australian vocalist/composer)
- Lill‐Babs
- Lillà (screamo italian band)
- Lilla Lovis (könsrock)
- Lilla Namo
- Lilla Sällskapet
- Lilla Shy (Italian singer‐songwriter)
- Lillasyster
- Lille Eris
- Lille Nørd
- Lille Palle (Danish singer and accordion player)
- Lille Per (Character in danish family films)
- lilleburn
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