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- KvaKXN
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- KyokZm
- Kings (Kings)
- Kings & Creatures (production music company)
- Kings & Hurricanes (Pop punk band)
- Kings & Pills
- Kings Allowed, No
- Kings and Comrades
- Kings and Thieves
- Kings At Heart
- Kings Dead
- Kings Destroy
- Kings Elliot (Swiss London-based singer/songwriter)
- Kings Go Forth
- Kings Kaleidoscope
- Kings Kaleidoscope feat. Propaganda
- Kings of Convenience
- Kings of Convenience feat. Feist
- Kings of Convenience vs. Erot
- Kings of Frog Island, The
- Kings Of Karma
- Kings of Leon
- Kings of Leon feat. West Angeles Church of God in Christ Mass Choir
- Kings of Mercia
- Kings of Nuthin’, The
- Kings of the Beach
- Kings of the City
- Kings of the Rollers (UK drum & bass trio; Serum; Voltage; Bladerunner)
- Kings of Tomorrow
- Kings of Tomorrow feat. April
- Kings of Tomorrow feat. McKnight, Julie
- Kings Road (cover band)
- Kings, Dead (Chilean modern rock band)
- Kings, Gypsi
- Kings, The (Canadian rock band)
- Kingsbery, Peter
- Kingsbury Manx, The
- Kingsbury, Caroline
- Kingsfoil
- Kingsheharyarmirza (Bhangra Artist)
- KingSkurkOne
- Kingsland Road (Band from Basingstoke, UK.)
- Kingsley (L.A. 4-members rock band)
- Kingsley Flood
- Kingsley, Gershon
- Kingsley, Jaden
- Kingsley, Rebecca
- Kingsmart (Nigerian singer and a Professional Basketball Player)
- Kingsmen (US Metal Band)
- Kingsmen, The (1960s beat/garage rock band from Oregon, known for “Louie Louie”)
- Kingsmen, The (Southern Gospel group)
- Kingsmen, The & Gold City
- Kingsnakes, The (Blues band from Syracuse, New York)
- Kingspade
- Kingston (Slovenian band)
- Kingston Falls
- Kingston Springs, The
- Kingston Trio, The
- Kingston Wall (Finnish psychedelic/prog rock band)
- Kingston, Sean (Jamaican-American rapper, singer, composer & record producer)
- Kingston, Sean feat. Brown, Chris & Wiz Khalifa
- Kingston, Sean feat. DeAnda, Paula
- Kingston, Sean feat. Lloyd, Cher
- Kingston, Sean feat. T.I.
- Kingston, Sean feat. Wale
- Kingston, Sean feat. Yo Gotti
- Kingstonians, The
- Kingsway Music
- Kingsway Music Australia
- Kingswell, Nick
- Kingswood
- Kinison, Sam
- Kinison, The
- Kinito (French rock band)
- Kiniza, Nebu
- Kinjac
- KiNK (Strahil Velchev – house/techno artist)
- Kinkead
- KinKi Kids
- Kinks, The
- Kinky (Mexican band)
- Kinky Beat, La
- Kinky Boyz, The
- Kinky Bwoy (Spanish reggae)
- Kinky Machine
- Kinky Robot (Alternative rock band from Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Kinlaw (American art pop musician/composer/choreographer)
- Kinleys, The
- Kinn, Alexandre
- Kinn, Alexandre feat. Coltman, Hugh
- Kinnard, Dawn
- Kinnda