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- DynDYS
- DysDzs
- Device Operator
- Device, The (multinational doom metal band based in Poland)
- Devices (Filipino band)
- Devics
- Devika (Devika Chawla)
- Devil (Norwegian doom metal band)
- DEVIL (1980s Turkish hard rock band)
- Devil & Bride
- Devil & the Universe, The
- Devil ANTHEM. (Japanese idol group)
- Devil City Cult
- Devil Dogs, The
- Devil Doll (US rockabilly band fronted by Colleen Duffy)
- Devil Electric
- Devil Goat Family String Band
- Devil in a Woodpile
- Devil In Me
- Devil Makes Three, The
- Devil Master
- Devil May Care (Post-Hardcore from Germany)
- Devil Music Co., The
- Devil Sold His Soul
- Devil Wears Prada, The
- Devil Within
- Devil You Know, The
- Devil, The, and Almighty Blues, The (Norwegian blues rock band)
- Devil's Anvil, The
- Devil's Bargain (Belgian heavy metal band)
- Devil's Gift
- Devil's Interval, The
- Devil's Reef (US Tech Death Metal)
- Devil's Slingshot (Progressive Heavy)
- Devil's Twins, The
- Devil'z Rejects, The
- Devil'z Rejects, The feat. GZA/Genius
- Devil’s Blood, The (Dutch occult rock band)
- Devil’s Blues Booze
- Devil’s Daughters, The (psychobilly group)
- Devil’s Flesh (Mexican doom metal band)
- Devil’s Rejects, The (horror metal from Norway)
- Devil’s Trade, The
- Devil’s Train (hard rock, heavy metal)
- Devil’s Witches
- DevilDriver
- DevilDriver feat. Fafara, Simon
- Devilicious (Heavy rock from Sweden)
- Devilinside
- Devilish Dear
- Devilish Impressions (Polish symphonic black/death metal band)
- Devilish Trio (US hip-hop band)
- Deville (Canada)
- Deville (heavy stoner rock band from Malmö, Sweden)
- Deville, Hans (Guitarist, songwriter & music producer from London)
- Deville, Jaymie (Melbourne Solo Artist)
- DeVille, Willy
- DeVille, Willy, The, Acoustic Trio
- Devilman (grime MC)
- Devilment
- Devilment feat. Margera, Bam
- Devils Brigade
- Devils Paradise
- Devils Rejects
- Devils, The
- Devils, The (Nicholas James Bates & Stephen Duffy)
- Devilskin
- Devilstrip
- Deviltears
- Devilyn
- Devin (New York based singer‐songwriter Devin Therriault)
- devin (DJ & producer, from Sweden)
- Devin Kennedy
- Devin Malik (TDE)
- Devin Millar
- Devin the Dude
- Devin the Dude feat. 14K
- Devin the Dude feat. Coughee Brothaz
- Devin the Dude feat. Coughee Brothaz & K.B.
- Devin the Dude feat. K.B.
- Devin the Dude feat. Kuirshan
- Devin the Dude feat. Poo Bear
- Devin the Dude feat. Scarface
- Devin Wild & Sub Zero Project
- Devin, Rick
- Devine Channel
- Devine Channel feat. Lanez, Tory, SOLE & Sik‐K
- Devine Channel feat. Yellowmane, Sahtyre, Junoflo & G2
- Devine Defilement
- DeVine, Adam
- Devine, Kevin (US singer‐songwriter)
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