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- DusDut
- DutDVB
- DVBDya
- DyaDyk
- DykDYN
- DynDys
- DysDzs
- Disse, DJ
- Dissection (Swedish metal band)
- Dissel, Henk
- Dissidenten
- Dissidenten + Lemchaheb
- DISSIDIA (Laer Xirtam & Lyran Dasz)
- Dissidia (Mexican D-beat band)
- Dissimulator
- Dissing, Povl (Danish singer, composer, guitarist and harmonica player)
- Dissing, Povl & Andersen, Benny
- Dissociatives, The
- Dissolving of Prodigy (Czech doom/death metal)
- Dissona (progressive metal from Chicago)
- Dissonance in Design
- Dissonants (UK metalcore band)
- Dissonation (Rock band from Nashville, TN, USA)
- DISSY (German rapper)
- DISSY & Luvre47
- Dissziplin
- distain
- Distance (UK dubstep artist Greg Sanders)
- Distance (collaborative project on Tsuku Boshi)
- Distance And Divide
- Distance in Embrace
- Distance Learning (pop duo)
- Distance Sprinter
- Distance, Light & Sky
- Distance, The (US melodic hardcore band)
- Distance, The (Band from Manchester)
- Distancia (Chilean punk band)
- Distant (deathcore)
- Distant (German Indie and Alternative producer)
- Distant Cousins (UK band)
- Distant Cousins (Indie pop)
- Distant Dream
- Distant feat. Evans, Jason
- Distant Light
- Distant Lights (US prog group)
- Distant North, The
- Distant Oaks
- Distant Past (Switzerland, Progressive/Melodic Heavy Metal)
- Distant Soundz
- Distant Stares
- Distant Stars
- Distant Sun (Russian Power/Thrash Metal)
- Distant Thunder (Houston, TX metal band)
- Distatix
- DiStefano, Peter
- Distel, Matthias (German Singer (Ballermann))
- Distel, Sacha
- Distel, Sacha & Bardot, Brigitte
- Distel, Sacha avec Bardot, Brigitte
- Distel, Sacha avec Shimkus, Joanna
- Distelmeyer, Jochen
- Distemper
- Distention (US death metal band)
- Distillator
- Distillers, The
- Distillery (heavy rock band from Launceston Tasmania)
- Distinct Nature
- Distoriam
- Distorsión
- Distorted (Death/Doom metal band from Isreal)
- Distorted Force
- Distorted Harmony
- Distorted Memory
- Distorted Penguins
- Distorted Reality (US/German synthpop)
- Distortion (UK punk band)
- Distortion Six (rhythmic noise)
- Distortions, The
- Distoxia
- distraction4ever
- Distractions (French, 2010s)
- Distractor (Orange County synth punk group)
- Distras, Louise
- Distress of Ruin
- Distressor (shoegaze band from San Diego)
- District (dubstep)
- District 78
- District 9
- District 97
- District Five
- District Tribute
- District Unknown
- District, Downtown
- District3
- Districts, The
- Distrito 14
- Distrito Rojo
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