
YOLO Songtext
von Tom Rosenthal

YOLO Songtext

Lets go to Sarajevo,
Play a bit of play dough,
Nothing gonna stop me now
I′m going Yolo.

I'm like a dynamo, give me my own show, I′ve found
Of way of making difficult decisions.

Shall I go to the shops? Yolo
Shall I bring my dog? Yolo

Shall I go to the moon? Yolo
Shall I do it soon? Yolo

Shall I kiss the girl? Yolo
Shall I give her a pearl? Yolo

Shall I climb the tree? Yolo
You probably get the picture now

Buts Lets go to Sarajevo,
Play a bit of play dough, nothing gonna stop me
Now i'm going Yolo.

I'm like a dynamo, give me my own show, I′ve found
Of way of making difficult decisions.

I fell asleep, Yolo was too much for me

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