
Geboren am 17. Juni 1882, Gestorben am 06. April 1971

Ballets - Vol. I (Compilation)

  1. L’Oiseau de feu: Introduction (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  2. L’Oiseau de feu: The enchanted garden of Kashchei (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  3. L’Oiseau de feu: Appearance of the Firebird, pursued by Prince Ivan (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  4. L’Oiseau de feu: Dance of the Firebird (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  5. L’Oiseau de feu: Capture of the Firebird by Prince Ivan (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  6. L’Oiseau de feu: Supplication of the Firebird (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  7. L’Oiseau de feu: Appearance of the thirteen enchanted princesses (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  8. L’Oiseau de feu: The princesses’ game with the golden apples (Scherzo) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  9. L’Oiseau de feu: Sudden appearance of Prince Ivan (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  10. L’Oiseau de feu: Round dance of the princesses (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  11. L’Oiseau de feu: Daybreak – Prince Ivan enters Kashchei's palace (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  12. L’Oiseau de feu: Magin carillon – Appearance of Kashchei's monster quardians (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  13. L’Oiseau de feu: Arrival of Kashchei the Immortal (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  14. L’Oiseau de feu: Dialogue of Kashchei and Prince Ivan (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  15. L’Oiseau de feu: Intercession of the princesses (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  16. L’Oiseau de feu: Appearance of the Firebird (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  17. L’Oiseau de feu: Dance of Kashchei’s retinue, enchanted by the Firebird (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  18. L’Oiseau de feu: Infernal dance of all Kashchei’s subjects (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  19. L’Oiseau de feu: Lullaby (The Firebird) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  20. L’Oiseau de feu: Kashchei’s awakening (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  21. L’Oiseau de feu: Kashchei’s death – Deep shadows (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  22. L’Oiseau de feu: Disappearance of Kashchei’s palace and magical creations – Return to life of the petrified knights – General rejoicing (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  23. Scherzo à la Russe (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  24. Scherzo fantastique , Op. 3 (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  25. Feu d’artifice (Fireworks), Op. 4 (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  1. Petrushka: Scene I, The Shrovetide Fair (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  2. Petrushka: Scene I, The Crowds (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  3. Petrushka: Scene I, The Charlatan’s Booth (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  4. Petrushka: Scene I, The Russian Dance (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  5. Petrushka: Scene II, Petrushka’s Room (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  6. Petrushka: Scene III, The Moor’s Room (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  7. Petrushka: Scene III, Dance of the Ballerina (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  8. Petrushka: Scene III, Waltz (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  9. Petrushka: Scene IV, Grand Carnival (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  10. Petrushka: Scene IV, Dance of the Wet Nurses (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  11. Petrushka: Scene IV, Dance of the Peasant and Bear (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  12. Petrushka: Scene IV, Dance of the Gypsy Girls (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  13. Petrushka: Scene IV, Dance of the Coachmen (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  14. Petrushka: Scene IV, The Masqueraders (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  15. Petrushka: Scene IV, Conclusion (Petrushka’s Death) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  16. Le Sacre du printemps: Part I: The Adoration of the Earth, Introduction (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  17. Le Sacre du printemps: Part I: The Adoration of the Earth, Auguries of Spring (Dances of the Young Girls) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  18. Le Sacre du printemps: Part I: The Adoration of the Earth, Mock Abduction (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  19. Le Sacre du printemps: Part I: The Adoration of the Earth, Spring Khorovod (Round Dance) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  20. Le Sacre du printemps: Part I: The Adoration of the Earth, Games of the Rival Clans (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  21. Le Sacre du printemps: Part I: The Adoration of the Earth, Procession of the Wise Elder (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  22. Le Sacre du printemps: Part I: The Adoration of the Earth, Adoration of the Earth (The Wise Elder) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  23. Le Sacre du printemps: Part I: The Adoration of the Earth, Dance of the Earth (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  24. Le Sacre du printemps: Part II: The Sacrifice, Introduction (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  25. Le Sacre du printemps: Part II: The Sacrifice, Mystical Circles of the Young Girls (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  26. Le Sacre du printemps: Part II: The Sacrifice, Glorification of the Chosen One (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  27. Le Sacre du printemps: Part II: The Sacrifice, Summoning of the Ancients (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  28. Le Sacre du printemps: Part II: The Sacrifice, Ritual of the Ancients (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  29. Le Sacre du printemps: Part II: The Sacrifice, Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen Victim) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  1. Les Noces: Part I: Scene I, The Bride’s Chamber
  2. Les Noces: Part I: Scene II, At the Bridegroom’s
  3. Les Noces: Part I: Scene III, The Bride’s Departure
  4. Les Noces: Part II: Scene IV, The Wedding Feast
  5. Renard
  6. Histoire du Soldat Suite: The Soldier’s March
  7. Histoire du Soldat Suite: Scene I, Airs by a Stream
  8. Histoire du Soldat Suite: Scene II, Pastorale
  9. Histoire du Soldat Suite: Scene II, The Royal March
  10. Histoire du Soldat Suite: Scene II, The Little Concert
  11. Histoire du Soldat Suite: Scene II, Three Dances: Tango – Waltz – Ragtime
  12. Histoire du Soldat Suite: Scene II, The Devil’s Dance
  13. Histoire du Soldat Suite: Scene II, The Great Chorale
  14. Histoire du Soldat Suite: Scene II, Triumphal March of the Devil

Ballets - Vol. II (Compilation)

  1. Apollon musagète: Scene I, Naissance d’Apollon (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  2. Apollon musagète: Scene II, Variation d’Apollon (Apollon et les Muses) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  3. Apollon musagète: Scene II, Pas d’action (Apollon et les trois Muses) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  4. Apollon musagète: Scene II, Variation de Calliope (l’Alexandrin) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  5. Apollon musagète: Scene II, Variation de Polymnie (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  6. Apollon musagète: Scene II, Variation de Terpsichore (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  7. Apollon musagète: Scene II, Variation d’Apollon (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  8. Apollon musagète: Scene II, Pas de deux (Apollon et Terpsichore) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  9. Apollon musagète: Scene II, Coda (Apollon et les Muses) (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  10. Apollon musagète: Scene II, Apothéose (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  11. Agon: Pas de quatre
  12. Agon: Double pas de quatre
  13. Agon: Triple pas de quatre
  14. Agon: Prélude
  15. Agon: Pas de trois I, Sarabande
  16. Agon: Pas de trois I, Gaillarde
  17. Agon: Pas de trois I, Coda
  18. Agon: Pas de trois I, Interlude
  19. Agon: Pas de trois II, Branle simple
  20. Agon: Pas de trois II, Branle gai
  21. Agon: Pas de trois II, Branle de Poitou
  22. Agon: Pas de trois II, Interlude
  23. Agon: Pas de trois II, Pas de deux
  24. Agon: Pas de trois II, Coda
  25. Agon: Pas de trois II, Quatre duos
  26. Agon: Pas de trois II, Quatre trios
  27. Jeux de cartes: Première donne (von Cleveland Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  28. Jeux de cartes: Deuxième donne (von Cleveland Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  29. Jeux de cartes: Troisième donne (von Cleveland Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  1. Scènes de ballet: Introduction (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  2. Scènes de ballet: Danses (Corps de ballet) – Variation (Ballerine) (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  3. Scènes de ballet: Pantomime (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  4. Scènes de ballet: Pas de deux (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  5. Scènes de ballet: Pantomime (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  6. Scènes de ballet: Variations (Danseur & Ballerine) (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  7. Scènes de ballet: Pantomime (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  8. Scènes de ballet: Danses (Corps de ballet) (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  9. Scènes de ballet: Apothéose (von CBC Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  10. Bluebird Pas-de-deux (from The Sleeping Beauty): Adagio (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  11. Bluebird Pas-de-deux (from The Sleeping Beauty): Variation I (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  12. Bluebird Pas-de-deux (from The Sleeping Beauty): Variation II (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  13. Bluebird Pas-de-deux (from The Sleeping Beauty): Coda (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  14. Le Baiser de la fée: Scene I, Prologue (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  15. Le Baiser de la fée: Scene II, A Village Fête (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  16. Le Baiser de la fée: Scene III, At the Mill (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  17. Le Baiser de la fée: Scene III, Pas de deux (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  18. Le Baiser de la fée: Scene III, Adagio (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  19. Le Baiser de la fée: Scene III, Variation (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  20. Le Baiser de la fée: Scene III, Coda (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  21. Le Baiser de la fée: Scene III, Scene (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  22. Le Baiser de la fée: Scene IV, Epilogue. The Lullaby of the Land beyond Time and Place (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  1. Pulcinella: Overture (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  2. Pulcinella: Serenata (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  3. Pulcinella: Scherzino (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  4. Pulcinella: Tarantella (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  5. Pulcinella: Gavotta – Variation I – Variation II (von Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky)
  6. Orpheus: Scene I, Introduction
  7. Orpheus: Scene I, Air de danse
  8. Orpheus: Scene I, Dance of the Angel of Death
  9. Orpheus: Scene I, Interlude
  10. Orpheus: Scene II, The Furies
  11. Orpheus: Scene II, Air de danse – Interlude – Air de danse
  12. Orpheus: Scene II, Pas d’action
  13. Orpheus: Scene II, Pas de deux
  14. Orpheus: Scene II, Interlude
  15. Orpheus: Scene II, Pas d’action
  16. Orpheus: Scene III, Apothéose d’Orphée

Chamber Music & Historical Recordings (Compilation)

  1. Preludium for Jazz Ensemble
  2. Concertino for 12 Instruments (von Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Igor Stravinsky)
  3. Octet for Wind Instruments: I. Sinfonia (von Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Igor Stravinsky)
  4. Octet for Wind Instruments: II. Tema con variazioni (von Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Igor Stravinsky)
  5. Octet for Wind Instruments: III. Finale (von Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Igor Stravinsky)
  6. Ragtime for 11 Instruments
  7. Tango
  8. Septett: I (von Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Igor Stravinsky)
  9. Septett: II. Passacaglia (von Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Igor Stravinsky)
  10. Septett: III. Gigue (von Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Igor Stravinsky)
  11. Pastorale: Song Without Words
  12. Ebony Concerto for Clarinet Solo and Big Band: I. Allegro moderato
  13. Ebony Concerto for Clarinet Solo and Big Band: II. Andante
  14. Ebony Concerto for Clarinet Solo and Big Band: III. Moderato - Con moto
  15. Symphonies of Wind Instruments
  1. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano: I. Cantilene
  2. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano: II. Eclogue I
  3. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano: III. Eclogue II
  4. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano: IV. Gigue
  5. Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano: V. Dithyrambe
  6. Serenade in A major: I. Hymne
  7. Serenade in A major: II. Romanza
  8. Serenade in A major: III. Rondoletto
  9. Serenade in A major: IV. Cadenza finale
  10. Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos: I. Con moto
  11. Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos: II. Notturno. Adagietto
  12. Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos: III. Quattro variazioni
  13. Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos: IV. Preludio e fuga
  14. Piano-Rag Music
  15. Sonata for 2 Pianos: I. Moderato
  16. Sonata for 2 Pianos: II. Theme with Variations
  17. Sonata for 2 Pianos: III. Allegretto
  18. Sonata for Piano: I (von Charles Rosen)
  19. Sonata for Piano: II (von Charles Rosen)
  20. Sonata for Piano: III (von Charles Rosen)


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