- GG
- GG
- Gg
- GGab
- GabGAB
- GABGai
- GaiGak
- GALGal
- GalGal
- GalGal
- GAMGam
- GamGam
- GamGan
- GanGan
- GanGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGAR
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGat
- GatGat
- GatGau
- GauGay
- GayGBX
- GBXGeh
- GehGem
- GemGen
- GenGen
- GenGen
- GenGeo
- GeoGer
- GerGer
- GerGes
- GesGet
- GetGha
- GhaGh
- GhoGho
- GhoGho
- GhoGho
- GhoGia
- GiaGib
- GibGic
- GidGig
- GIGGil
- GilGil
- GilGil
- GilGim
- GinGio
- GioGir
- GirGIR
- girGiu
- Giugla
- glaGla
- GlaGle
- Glegli
- GliGlo
- GloGlo
- GloGly
- GlyGo
- GoGod
- GodGod
- GodGoi
- GoiGol
- GolGol
- GolGol
- GolGol
- GolGom
- GomGon
- GonGoo
- GooGoo
- GooGoo
- GooGoo
- GooGor
- GorGor
- GorGor
- GorGos
- GosGot
- GotGov
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- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GRGre
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- GriGri
- GriGri
- GriGro
- GroGro
- GroGro
- GroGRs
- GRTGru
- GruGru
- GruGS
- GSDGua
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- GucGu
- GuGue
- GueGue
- GueGue
- GueGui
- GuiGUM
- GUMGun
- GunGur
- GurGus
- GusGut
- GutGuy
- GuyGya
- GyaGzu
- GzuGzu
- Giraud, Yvette
- Girault, Thierry
- Girbal, Anne-Laure, Moire, Emmanuel
- Gire, Tom (co-founder, Brand X Music)
- Girelli, Coyle
- Giri, Sunil
- Giriboy
- Giring Ganesha
- Girish
- Girish and The Chronicles (Indian Hard Rock band)
- Girl (UK rock band)
- Girl & The Robot, The
- girl and a cat, a
- Girl and Girl
- Girl and Her Bad Mood (Indonesian dream pop band)
- Girl Authority
- Girl Blue
- Girl Called Eddy, A
- GIRL CRUSH (South Korean girl group)
- Girl Friday
- Girl Friend (Girlfriend)
- Girl From Winter Jargon
- Girl Hell 1999
- Girl in a Coma
- girl in red
- Girl Love (indie folk project of Laura Beth Johnson)
- Girl Meets Bear
- Girl Named Tom
- GIRL NEXT DOOR (Japanese pop group)
- Girl Next Door (LA based rock/trip-hop group from the early 2000's)
- girl next door, The (lofi hip hop)
- Girl Nobody
- Girl on Fire
- Girl Overboard
- Girl Pow-R
- Girl Racers
- Girl Ray (London based girl power trio)
- Girl Scout (Indie from Sweden)
- Girl Skin (Brooklyn-based indie band)
- Girl Talk (US producer and mashup artist Gregg Gillis)
- Girl Talk & Freeway feat. Waka Flocka Flame
- Girl Thing
- Girl Tones (Power pop from Kentucky)
- Girl Ultra (Nan De Miguel)
- Girl Who Cried Wolf, The (Belgian indie)
- Girl with a Boy Name
- girl_dm_
- Girl, The and Dreamcatcher, The
- Girl's Day
- Girl’s Reverse
- Girlband (Australian girl group)
- Girlband (band from Long Beach, California)
- Girless (Tommaso Gavioli)
- Girlfrendo
- Girlfriend
- GIRLFRIEND (Japanese band)
- Girlfriend, Immortal
- Girlfriends (Portland multi-instrumentalist Jerry Joiner)
- girlfriends (pop punk duo from California)
- girlfriends feat. Stirling, Lindsey
- Girlhood (British R&B duo)
- girlhouse
- GIRLI & Ashnikko
- Girlicious
- Girlicious feat. Flo Rida
- Girlicious feat. Kardinal Offishall
- Girlicious feat. Kingston, Sean
- Girlicious featuring Flo Rida
- Girlicious featuring Kardinal Offishall
- Girlicious featuring Kingston, Sean
- Girling-Butcher, Victoria
- Girlo (band)
- Girlpool (US alternative rock duo)
- girlpuppy
- Girls (US indie rock band)
- Girls (Brazilian girlband)
- Girls Against Boys
- Girls Aloud
- Girls at Our Best!
- Girls Can’t Catch
- Girls feat. Aggro Santos
- Girls feat. Aggro Santos
- Girls feat. Mika
- Girls feat. Negra Li
- Girls feat. Negra Li
- Girls feat. Suave
- GIRLS GIRLS (South Korean Girl Group)