Kraftwerk Songtexte
Das Model
Die Roboter
Tour de France
Gründung 1970
Fernando Abrantes
Karl Bartos
Georg Bongartz
Klaus Dinger
Wolfgang Flür
Falk Grieffenhagen
Fritz Hilpert
Andreas Hohmann
Ralf Hütter
Plato Kostic
Eberhard Kranemann
Thomas Lohmann
Stefan Pfaffe
Michael Rother
Klaus Röder
Peter Schmidt
Henning Schmitz
Florian Schneider
Emil Schult
Ultra Rare Tracks (Compilation)
- Computer World (Klick mix) / Pocket Calculator (East Meets West mix)
- Music – Non Stop (Cut Up mix)
- Trans Europe Express (T.E.E. mix)
- The Robots (Program mix) / Autobahn (Peoples Car mix)
- Europe Endless (Open Borders mix)
- Man Machine (Space mix)
- The Model (Catbonic mix)
- Neon Lights (Ton‐Up mix) / Showroom Dummies / (M.C.M.G. mix)
Mehr Songtexte

- Das Modell
- Neonlicht
- Die Mensch-Maschine
- Das Model
- Musique Non Stop (edit 1)
- Musique Non Stop (edit 2)
- Planet der Visionen
- Tour de France, Étape 1
- Tour de France, Étape 2
- Computerwelt
- Computer Liebe
- It's More Fun To Compute
- Die Roboter / Robotronik
- Re-Werked
- The Mix Medley
- Technopop (demo edit 1983)
- Los robots
- Laboratorio especial
- El modelo
- Luces de neón
- La máquina humana
- Computerworld
- Tour de France (Etape 1)
- Tour de France (Etape 2)
- Tour de France (Etape 3)
- Tour de France 03 (Version 1)
- Tour de France 03 (Version 2)
- Tour de France 03 (Version 3)
- Tour de France 03 (Long Distance Version 2)
- Uran / Stimme Der Energie / Radioaktivität
- Telephone
- Sexobjekt
- Electronic Cafe
- Model
- Les Maniquins
- Schaufensterpuppen
- Kometenmelodie
- Transeuropa Express / Boing Boom Tachak / Musique Non Stop / Nummern
- Pocket Calculator (Electrovader Mix'99)
- The Model (Modulationen'99)
- Neonlight (C-Tronik Mix'99)
- Computer World 2
- Intro
- Nummern (Numbers)
- It's More Fun to Compute (Heimcomputer)
- Die Mensch-Maschine (The Man-Machine)
- Aetherwellen (instrumental)
- Instrumental
- Trans Europa Express / Abzug / Metall auf Metall
- Europa Endlos
- Spiegelsaal
- Endlos Endlos
- Kohoutek Melodie 1
- Kohoutek Melodie 2
- It's More Fun to Compute / Heimcomputer
- Tee - Metall auf Metall - Abzug
- Musik Non Stop
- Intro-Uran-Geigerzähler
- Radiosterne
- Stimme der Energie
- Boing Bumm Tschak
- Transitor
- Telephon
- Die Roboter (Die Roboter Remix '99)
- Metal on Metal (Noog Na Machine Mix '99)
- Ätherwellen
- Sendepause
- Nachrichten
- Antenne
- Äetherwellen
- Ruckzack
- Comet Melody 2
- Vom Himmell Hoch
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang mix 2002)
- The Man-Machine
- Computer World..2
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang mix 2001)
- Expo 2000 (Kling Klang mix 2000)
- Elektrokardiogramm
- Musique Non-Stop
- Trans-Europa Express
- Endless Europe
- Metall on Metall
- Krautrocking
- Electronic Meditation
- Karl Bartos: I Was a Robot (extended Interview)
- Kraftwerk Arrive
- Ralf and Florian
- The Machine World
- Out of This World
- Computer World and Kraftwerk's Legacy
- Electronic Overground
- A New Generation
- Kraftwerk 2
- A New Scene
- Radio-Activity
- The Dusseldorf Scene Vs Berlin Scene (Special Feature)
- The English Have Landed
- Spreading Appeal
- A Clean State
- Tone Float
- Trans-European Express
- A Growing Scene
- Die Stimme Der Enegie
- Trans-Europa-Express
- Morgenspaziergang Part 1
- Morgenspaziergang Part 2
- Morgenspaziergang, Part 2
- Morgenspaziergang, Part 1
- Showroom Dummmies
- Trans Europe Express / Run DMC - Suker MC's
- Tour de France '03 (version 2)
- The Düsseldorf Scene vs. Berlin Scene (special feature)
- The Mix-Medley
- Neonlights/Neolicht
- Tour de France '03
- Autobahn (short)
- Telephone-Mix
- Meine Damen und Herren
- Der Telefon-Anruf
- Taschenrechner (Polish)
- Boing Boom Tschak / Techno Pop / Musique Non Stop
- Die Menschmaschine
- Innovation III
- Powerwork Megamix
- It's More Fun to Compute-Homecomputer
- Rhythm Salad
- Radio Activity
- Computerlove
- Noitasinwaqagro
- Rückstoßgondoliere
- Zehn kleine Negerlein
- Computer World (Continued)
- Innovation II
- Re-Worked Music Factory Master Mix
- Music Non-Stop
- Music - Non Stop
- It's More Fun to Compute / Homecomputer
- Tour de France '03 (version 1)
- Tour de France 2003
- Numbers (Parts)
- Vor dem blauen Bock
- Radio-Aktivität
- Die Mensch-Maschine / The Man-Machine
- Show Room
- Technopop (Demo edit '83)
- Showroom Dummies live tokio 07.09.'81
- Sex Object (US DJ Promo mix by Razormaid)
- Interzone
- Intro / Numbers
- K4
- Trans-Europa-Express / Abzug / Metall auf Metall
- K3
- K1
- Trans Europa Express / Trans Europe Express
- Homecomputer
- Geiger Couter
- K2 (Ruckzuck)
- Numbers - Computer World
- Neonlights
- Re-Worked
- Theme Music- Vocoder intro
- Pocketcalculator
- Kohoutek
- Mini Calculateur
- Heimcomputer = It's More Fun to Compute
- Airwaves / Tango
- Heavy Metal Kids
- Roboter
- Aero Dynamik / MTV
- Airwaves / [untitled]
- [intro]
- Sellafield 2 / Radioactivity
- Tour de France (Etape Une et Deux et Trois)
- Planet of Vision
- Razormaid/Gridlock Mixmedley
- Tee / Metall auf Metall / Abzug
- Mix Medley
- Morgenspaziergang, Teil I
- Nummern / Computerwelt
- Kling Klang
- The Robots / Robotronik
- Numbers / Computerworld
- Pocket Calculator/Dentaku
- [Sellafield intro] / Radioaktivität
- Computerleibe
- Neonlicht / Neonlights
- Computerwelt (US-DJ-Promo-mix by Razormaid)
- Tour de France '03 (Long Distance version 2)
- Tour de France 1983
- Musique Nonstop
- Radioactivity (with slow intro - )
- Komputerwelt / Computerworld
- Heute Abend...
- Ruckzug
- Morgenspaziergang, Teil II
- Die Roboter Demo
- Housephone
- Heimkomputer / Homecomputer
- Milk Rock
- Silver Forest
- Boing Boom Schak / Music Non Stop.
- Hall of Mirrors
- Ätherwellen / Innovation I
- Noitasinagro
- Manequin
- Komputerliebe / Computerlove
- Milck Rock
- Computer World (Its More Fun to Compute and Home Computer)
- Tour de France '03 (version 3)
- Nummern / Numbers
- Taschenrechner / Dentaku
- Die Roboter / The Robots
- Re Werked
- Nummweltverschmutzung
- Neonlicht live tokio 07.09.'81
- Computerwelt (US DJ Promo mix by Razormaid)
- Trans Europe Express / Metal on Metal / Abzug
- Tour de France 03
- Sex Objekt (US-DJ-Promo-mix by Razormaid)
- Computerliebe live tokio 07.09.'81
- Tribal
- Space Lab
- [introduction: Vocodor]
- Trans Europa Express '91
- Electic Cafe
- Trans-Europe-Express
- Technopop
- Schaufensterpuppen / Showroom Dummies
- The Robot
- Computer Welt
- Tour de France (version allemande)
- Intro - Numbers
- Showroom Dummys
- It Is More Fun to Computer
- Dentaku - 9 Minutes Japan Attack
- Pocket Caculator
- Metal Abzug Metal
- Tour de France2
- Kometenmelodie Eins
- Kometenmelodie Zwei
- The Model (Artcore Mix
- Die Mensch‐Maschine
- Music Non‐Stop
- Trans Europa Express ’91
- Der Telefon‐Anruf
- Die Mensch•Maschine
- Numern
- Komputerwelt
- [data track]
- Tour de France (deuxième étape)
- Expo - Jingle (Russisch)
- Pre-Show/Vocoder (intro)
- Expo - Jingle (Japanisch)
- Expo - Jingle (Englisch)
- Computer World 1+2
- Expo - Jingle (Spanisch)
- Expo - Jingle (Deutsch)
- Expo - Jingle (Französisch)
- Trans Europe Express/Metal on Metal/Abzug
- Expo – Jingle (Spanisch)
- Expo – Jingle (Russisch)
- Expo – Jingle (Japanisch)
- Expo – Jingle (Deutsch)
- Expo – Jingle (Französisch)
- Expo – Jingle (Englisch)
- Radioland (3-D)
- Etape 2 (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Metropolis (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Kometenmelodie2 (headphone surround 3D)
- Tour de France / Prologue / Etape 1 / Chrono / Etape 2 (3-D)
- Uranium (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Regeneration (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- La Forme (headphone surround 3D)
- Transistor (headphone surround 3D)
- [intermission] (headphone surround 3D)
- [credits] (headphone surround 3D)
- Sex Object (headphone surround 3D)
- The Man Machine (headphone surround 3D)
- Metropolis (3-D)
- Computer Love (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Music Non Stop (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Antenna (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Antenna (3-D)
- Uranium (headphone surround 3D)
- [It’s More Fun to Compute] / Home Computer (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- [credits] (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Autobahn (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Music Non Stop (headphone surround 3D)
- Electric Cafe (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Mitternacht (headphone surround 3D)
- Techno Pop (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Mitternacht (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Geiger Counter / Radioactivity
- The Robots (headphone surround 3D)
- La Forme / Régéneration
- Boing Boom Tschak (headphone surround 3D)
- Dentaku (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Metal on Metal (headphone surround 3D)
- Abzug (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- The Robots (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- The Model (3-D)
- Prologue (headphone surround 3D)
- The Voice of Energy (headphone surround 3D)
- House Phone (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Showroom Dummies (3-D)
- Tour de France (headphone surround 3D)
- Aero Dynamik (headphone surround 3D)
- Kometenmelodie2 (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Intermission / News / The Voice of Energy (3-D)
- Planet of Visions (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Trans Europe Express (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- The Man Machine (3-D)
- News (headphone surround 3D)
- Music Non Stop (3-D)
- La Forme (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Autobahn (3-D)
- Airwaves (3-D)
- Boing Boom Tschak (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Neon Lights (headphone surround 3D)
- Europe Endless (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Computer Love (headphone surround 3D)
- Numbers / Computer World (3-D)
- Trans Europe Express (headphone surround 3D)
- Kometenmelodie2
- It's More Fun to Compute / Home Computer
- Abzug (headphone surround 3D)
- Computer Love (3-D)
- Home Computer (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Prologue (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Airwaves (headphone surround 3D)
- The Telephone Call (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Kometenmelodie1 (headphone surround 3D)
- Sex Object (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Kometenmelodie 1 / Kometenmelodie 2 / Mitternacht / Moregnspaziergang (3-D)
- Radioactivity (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Chrono (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Radioland (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- The Model (headphone surround 3D)
- The Voice of Energy (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Elektro Kardiogram (headphone surround 3D)
- Trans Europe Express / Metal on Metal / Abzug (3-D)
- The Robots (3‐D)
- Etape 2 (headphone surround 3D)
- Airwaves (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Geiger Counter (headphone surround 3D)
- Pocket Calculator (headphone surround 3D)
- Computer World (headphone surround 3D)
- Spacelab (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Vitamin (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Morgenspaziergang (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Vitamin (3-D)
- Spacelab (headphone surround 3D)
- Etape 1 (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Sex Object (3-D)
- Geiger Counter (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Techno Pop (headphone surround 3D)
- Dentaku (headphone surround 3D)
- It's More Fun to Compute / Home Computer (3-D)
- Transistor (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Radioactivity (headphone surround 3D)
- Metal on Metal (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Antenna (headphone surround 3D)
- Boing Boom Tschak (3-D)
- Franz Schubert (headphone surround 3D)
- The Model (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- The Hall of Mirrors (headphone surround 3D)
- Pocket Calculator / Dentaku (3-D)
- Franz Schubert (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Electric Cafe (headphone surround 3D)
- Home Computer (headphone surround 3D)
- The Man Machine (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Europe Endless (headphone surround 3D)
- Radio Stars / Transistor / Ohm Sweet Ohm (3-D)
- Chrono (headphone surround 3D)
- Franz Schubert / Europe Endless (3-D)
- Computer World (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Neon Lights (3-D)
- Radioland (headphone surround 3D)
- Ohm Sweet Ohm (headphone surround 3D)
- Numbers (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- It’s More Fun to Compute (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Spacelab (3-D)
- Radio Stars (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Showroom Dummies (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Tour de France (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Radio Stars (headphone surround 3D)
- Electric Cafe (3-D)
- It’s More Fun to Compute (headphone surround 3D)
- [intermission] (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Metropolis (headphone surround 3D)
- Techno Pop (3-D)
- House Phone (headphone surround 3D)
- [It’s More Fun to Compute] / Home Computer (headphone surround 3D)
- Aero Dynamik (3-D)
- Showroom Dummies (headphone surround 3D)
- Planet of Visions (headphone surround 3D)
- Elektro Kardiogram (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Regeneration (headphone surround 3D)
- Kometenmelodie1
- Neon Lights (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Autobahn (headphone surround 3D)
- Numbers (headphone surround 3D)
- The Hall of Mirrors (3-D)
- Etape 1 (headphone surround 3D)
- The Hall of Mirrors (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Kometenmelodie1 (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Pocket Calculator (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Aero Dynamik (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Elektro Kardiogramm (3-D)
- Vitamin (headphone surround 3D)
- Morgenspaziergang (headphone surround 3D)
- The Telephone Call (headphone surround 3D)
- [intermission]
- News (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Ohm Sweet Ohm (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Boing Boom Tschak / Techno Pop / Music Non Stop
- Geiger Counter / Radioactivity (3-D)
- The Telephone Call / House Phone
- Pocket Calculator / Dentaku
- Tour de France Etape 2 - 3-D
- Numbers / Computer • World… 2
- Die Mensch·Maschine
- Neonlight
- Numbers.Computer World
- It’s More Fun to Compute.Homecomputer
- Tour de France 2003 (etape1.etape3.chrono.etape2)
- Expo 2000 (Planet of Vision)
- Vocoder intro
- Tour de France 83
- It’s More Fun to Compute / Home Computer
- Etape 1 / Etape 3 / Chrono / Etape 2
- ZDF Heute. 26 April 2009
- Trans Europe Express / Abzug / Metal on Metal
- Ruckstoss Gondoliere
- Airwaves (Tango)
- Radioactivity ( 1 7 8 8 - L / R E M I X )
- Trans - Europe Express
- Kometenmelodie 1 / Kometenmelodie 2 / Mitternacht / Morgenspaziergang (3-D)
- Moderne Kompositionen
- Die Mensch‐Maschine (The Man‐Machine)
- Autobahn (’81 Reissue Vers.)
- It’s More Fun to Compute (Heimcomputer)
- Transeurope Express
- The Robots II
- Kohoutek - Kometenmelodie (Version 2)
- Kohoutek - Kometenmelodie (Version 1)
- Tonfluss (Organisation‐Tango)
- Computerwelt (version 3.27)
- Maschinen‐Boogie (Einleitung)
- Numbers/Computer World
- Trans Europa Endlos (franz‐schubert‐mix) – Musik Non‐Stop (ohne‐ende)
- Kristallo (0.00‐Spiegelsaal‐7.00)
- Computer Love (Part 1)
- Nummweltverschmutzung (Zahlen)
- Computer Love (Part 2)
- Spacelab (Tanzbar)
- Tour de France (1983)
- La Forme (King of the Mountains mix by Hot Chip)
- Aéro Dynamik (Intelligent Design mix by Hot Chip)
- Cybernetic Interspace
- Trans‐Europe Express / Metal on Metal / Abzug
- Tour de France / Prologue / Etape 1 / Chrono / Etape 2
- Intro . Numbers
- Numbers / Computer World
- Franz Schubert / Europe Endless
- Kometenmelodie 1 / Kometenmelodie 2 / Mitternacht / Morgenspaziergang
- The Telefon Call / House Phone
- Intermission / News / The Voice of Energy
- Radio Stars / Uranium / Transistor / Ohm Sweet Ohm
- Radio‐Activity
- Robotnic
- Tour de France (radio‐edit instrumental)
- Robotronic
- Radio Sterne / Uran / Transistor / Ohm Sweet Ohm
- Sendepause / Nachrichten / Die Stimme Der Energie
- Der Telefon Anruf / House Phone
- Geigerzähler / Radioaktivität
- It's More Fun to Compute / Heim Computer
- Trans-Europa Express / Metall Auf Metall / Abzug
- Autobahn (Part 2)
- Autobahn (Part 1)
- Airwaves (3‐D)
- Intermission / News / The Voice of Energy (3‐D)
- The Man Machine (3‐D)
- Electric Cafe (3‐D)
- Re‐Werked
- Spacelab (3‐D)
- It’s More Fun to Compute / Heim Computer
- Numbers / Computer World (3‐D)
- Computer Love (3‐D)
- Die Mensch‐Maschine / The Man‐Machine
- Trans‐Europa Express / Metall auf Metall / Abzug
- Music Non Stop (3‐D)
- Intro‐Uran‐Geigerzähler
- Trans Europe Express / Metal on Metal / Abzug (3‐D)
- Geiger Counter / Radioactivity (3‐D)
- Sex Object (3‐D)
- The Mix‐Medley
- Trans‐European Express
- Antenna (3‐D)
- Vitamin (3‐D)
- Pocket Calculator / Dentaku (3‐D)
- Aero Dynamik (3‐D)
- Radio Stars / Transistor / Ohm Sweet Ohm (3‐D)
- Neonlight (C‐Tronik Mix’99)
- Boing Boom Tschak (3‐D)
- Computer World and Kraftwerk’s Legacy
- Neon Lights (3‐D)
- Technopop (Demo edit ’83)
- It’s More Fun to Compute / Homecomputer
- Pocket Calculator (Electrovader Mix’99)
- It’s More Fun to Compute / Heimcomputer
- The Hall of Mirrors (3‐D)
- Elektro Kardiogramm (3‐D)
- Trans‐Europa‐Express / Abzug / Metall auf Metall
- Techno Pop (3‐D)
- Die Roboter (Die Roboter remix ’99)
- Metropolis (3‐D)
- Radioland (3‐D)
- Kometenmelodie 1 / Kometenmelodie 2 / Mitternacht / Morgenspaziergang (3‐D)
- The Model (Modulationen’99)
- Metal on Metal (Noog Na Machine mix ’99)
- Showroom Dummies (3‐D)
- Franz Schubert / Europe Endless (3‐D)
- Tour de France / Prologue / Etape 1 / Chrono / Etape 2 (3‐D)
- The Model (3‐D)
- It’s More Fun to Compute / Home Computer (3‐D)
- Mini Calcolatore
- Kohoutek – Kometenmelodie #1
- Kohoutek – Kometenmelodie #2
- Numbers (intro, 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7‐8)
- Computerliebe live tokio 07.09.’81
- Heimcomputer = It’s More Fun to Compute
- Tour de France ’03 (version 2)
- Showroom Dummies live tokio 07.09.’81
- Neonlicht live tokio 07.09.’81
- Tour de France ’03 (version 1)
- Tour de France ’03 (version 3)
- Tour de France ’03 (Long Distance version 2)
- Tour de France ’03
- Europe Endlos
- Radio Stars / Transistor / Ohm Sweet Ohm
- Franz Schubert / Europa Endlos
- Computer World (Moskwa Lushniki 03.06.04)
- Trans Europe Express (Budapest Sportarena 25.05.04)
- Metal on Metal (Budapest Sportarena 25.05.04)
- Neon Lights (London Royal Festival Hall 18.03.04)
- Tour de France Étape 2 (Riga Olimpiska Hall 29.05.04)
- Vitamin (Moskwa Lushniki 03.06.04)
- Home Computer (Warszawa Sala Kongresowa 27.05.04)
- Planet of Visions (Ljubljana Krizanke 24.05.04)
- Aéro Dynamik (Riga Olimpiska Hall 29.05.04)
- Dentaku (Tokyo Shibuya AX 04.03.04)
- The Model (London Brixton Academy 20.03.04)
- Elektro Kardiogramm (Tallinn Exhibition Hall 30.05.04)
- Tour de France (Paris Le Grand Rex 22.03.04)
- Numbers (San Francisco Warfield 28.04.04)
- Radioactivity (Warszawa Sala Kongresowa 27.05.04)
- Pocket Calculator (Moskwa Lushniki 03.06.04)
- Music Non Stop (Moskwa Lushniki 03.06.04)
- The Man‐Machine (Warszawa Sala Kongresowa 27.05.04)
- Tour de France Étape 1 (Riga Olimpiska Hall 29.05.04)
- Autobahn (Berlin Tempodrom 25.03.04)
- Chrono (Riga Olimpiska Hall 29.05.04)
- The Robots (Moskwa Lushniki 03.06.04)
- Tongebirge/Tanzmusik
- Interview With Florian Schneider
- Stratovarious
- Heimcomputer / It’s More Fun to Compute
- Koln II
- Storm
- Trans Europe Express (instr.)
- It ` S More Fun to Compute
- Kakteen, Wüste, Sonne
- Techno Pop (Española)
- Sex Object (early version – 1983)
- Musique Non Stop (extended)
- Expo 2000 (Echo 2000)
- Numbers (San Francisco The Warfield 28.04.04)
- Kometenmelodie #2 (The 1974 7″ single – Autobahn Side B)
- Techno Pop (early version – 1983)
- Tribal Gathering
- Boom Boom Tschak/Music Non Stop
- Boom Boom Tschak / Music Non Stop
- Prolog Im Himmel/Kometenmelodie 1
- Mitternacht/Showroom Dummies
- Die Sonne, Der Mond, Die Sterne
- Untitled
- Köln II (Beat Club 1971)
- Kakteen,Wüste,Sonne (Beat Club 1971)
- Rueckstoss Gondliere
- It´s More Fun to Compute
- La Forme + Regeneration
- Radioactivity '91 (William Orbit Hardcore Mix US 12" Only)
- Sex Object (Early Version - 1983)
- Tour de France (Razormaid!)
- Kometenmelodie #2
- Mini Calulateur
- Techno Pop (Early Version - 1983)
- Objecto Sexual
- Expo Remix (Kling Klang mix 2002)
- Expo Remix
- Expo Remix (Kling Klang mix 2001)
- Radioactivity ’91 (William Orbit Hardcore mix US 12″ only)
- Tour de France (remix François K.)
- Morgenspaziergang - Part 2 Tanzmusik
- Morgenspaziergang - Part 1 Kilng Klang
- Morgenspaziergang, Part 2 Tanzmusik
- Morgenspaziergang, Part 1 Kilng Klang
- Trans-Europe Express / Metal on Metal / Abzug
- Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian 7'' Remix) - Kraftwerk
- Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian 12'' Remix) - Kraftwerk
- Radioactivity (William Orbit 12'' Remix) - Kraftwerk
- The Looking Glass
- Mannequin
- Franz Schubert - 2009 Remaster
- Abzug - 2009 Remaster
- Endlos Endlos - 2009 Remaster
- Spiegelsaal - 2009 Remaster
- Europa Endlos - 2009 Remaster
- Schaufensterpuppen - 2009 Remaster
- Trans-Europa Express - 2009 Remaster
- Metall Auf Metall - 2009 Remaster
- Neon Lights (Ton-up Mix) / Showroom Dummies /(M.C.M.G. Mix)
- Tour de France (Etape 1) [Live]
- Tour de France (Etape 2) [Live]
- Kometenmelodie 1 (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Kometenmelodie 2 (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Kometenmelodie 1 (headphone surround 3D)
- Intermission (Dolby Atmos (5.1 compatible))
- Intermission (headphone surround 3D)
- Kometenmelodie 2 (headphone surround 3D)
- The Man•Machine
- Numbers / Computer·World…2