Joanna Newsom Songtexte
Baby Birch
Three Little Babes
Geboren am 18. Januar 1982
Mehr Songtexte

- Bridges and Balloons
- "En Gallop"
- What We Have Known
- Good Intentions Paving Company
- '81
- Erin
- This Side of the Blue (with Stacy)
- [unknown]
- En Gallop!
- [Harpapalooza]
- Prepared Harp Improv
- Good Intentions
- Peach Plum Pear
- [Introduction]
- En Gallop
- Book of Right-On
- [Irwin Link]
- [Accent Chat and Thank You]
- Flying a Kite
- Clam Crab Cockle Cowrie
- [Chat]
- Ca' the Yowes to the Knowes
- The Sprout and the Bean
- [applause]
- Peach, Plumb, Pear
- [band intro]
- Monkey and Bear
- [Harp Talk]
- [Preview]
- [Tour Chat]
- The Fray
- Yarn and Glue
- [Washington Philips Chat]
- A Pin-Light Bent
- Make Hay
- The Book of Right‐On
- Colleen
- Instrumental 1999
- No Wonder
- The Air Again
- Marie at the Mill
- Bombs are Whistling
- Little Hand
- Clab, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie
- Sprout & The Bean
- (Intro)
- The Book of Right On
- Applause and Introduction
- Sawdust and Diamonds
- Yarn and Glue (cuts in) > Bridges and Balloons
- (presenter)
- In California (aborted)
- (rain banter)
- Angel (encore)
- Band Intro
- (banter)
- Joanna Introduces the Rest of the Band
- Ca' The Yewes
- Introduction / Interview
- Cassiopeia (encore)
- (applause)
- Joanna Introduces the Band
- Interview
- Tuning
- [banter]
- Silence
- What We Have Known (intro)
- Introduction
- Little Wing (encore)
- (band introduction)
- (monitor problems)
- (tuning)
- Happy Birthday To Joanna
- (band intro)
- (story)
- (talking to Ryan)
- [Encore Break]
- [tuning/Q&A]
- Adjustments/Banter
- (crowd)
- Happy 28th Birthday Joanna!
- Shreddy
- (tuning and chatting)
- (setting up)
- Home Economics
- Band Introduction
- Rovenshere
- Spokanikan
- (thanking the audience)
- Chats
- (entrance)
- Bulgarian Dance
- [tuning #2]
- Band Introductions
- Thank Yous And Applause
- Waltz Of The 101st Light Airborne
- Waltz of the 101st Lightbourne
- [Intro]
- Intro/Chats
- Intro
- Encore/Applause
- Waltz of the 21st Lightborne
- Q&A
- [tuning]
- [tuning #1]
- Time as a Symptom & Anecdotes
- Inflamatory Writ
- Inflammatory Wit
- (encore)
- (break)
- (welcome)
- Intro/Standing Ovation
- A Pin-Light Ben
- Good Intentions Paving Co