
Geboren am 11. Februar 1935, Gestorben am 12. Oktober 1971


The Outtakes (Compilation)

  1. Lonesome Boy (take 1)
  2. Lonesome Boy (take 2)
  3. Lonesome Boy (take 3)
  4. Lonesome Boy (take 4)
  5. Lonesome Boy (take 5)
  6. Lonesome Boy (takes 6-7)
  7. You Are the One for Me (takes 1-2)
  8. You Are the One for Me (takes 3-4)
  9. You Are the One for Me (takes 5-6)
  10. You Are the One for Me (takes 7-8)
  11. You Are the One for Me (take 9)
  12. Beautiful Brown Eyes (takes 1-4)
  13. Beautiful Brown Eyes (takes 5-8)
  14. Beautiful Brown Eyes (takes 5-8)
  15. Beautiful Brown Eyes (takes 9-11)
  16. Beautiful Brown Eyes (takes 12-15)
  17. Rip It Up (takes 1-7), Pt. 1
  18. Rip It Up (takes 1-7), Pt. 2
  19. Rip It Up (takes 1-7), Pt. 3
  20. Rip It Up (takes 1-7), Pt. 4
  21. Rip It Up (takes 1-7), Pt. 5
  22. Rip It Up (take 8)
  23. Rip It Up (take 9)
  24. Rip It Up (take 10)
  25. Rip It Up (take 11)
  26. Maybellene (takes 1-8), Pt. 1
  27. Maybellene (takes 1-8), Pt. 2
  28. Maybellene (takes 1-8), Pt. 3
  29. Maybellene (takes 1-8), Pt. 4
  30. Maybellene (takes 1-8), Pt. 5
  31. High Blood Pressure (takes 1-5)
  32. High Blood Pressure (takes 1-5)
  33. High Blood Pressure (take 6)
  34. High Blood Pressure (takes 7-9), Pt. 1
  35. High Blood Pressure (takes 7-9), Pt. 2
  36. Who's Pushing Your Swing (takes 1-9), Pt. 1
  37. Who's Pushing Your Swing (takes 1-9), Pt. 2
  38. Who's Pushing Your Swing (takes 1-9), Pt. 3
  39. Who's Pushing Your Swing (takes 1-9), Pt. 4
  1. Anna Annabelle (takes 1-2-3-4)
  2. Anna Annabelle (take 5)
  3. Anna Annabelle (take 6)
  4. Anna Annabelle (takes 7-8-9)
  5. Gone Gone Gone (takes 1-2-3-4)
  6. Gone Gone Gone (take 5)
  7. Gone Gone Gone (take 6)
  8. Gone Gone Gone (take 7-8)
  9. Gone Gone Gone (takes 9-10)
  10. I Might Have Known (takes 1-2)
  11. I Might Have Known (takes 3-4)
  12. I Might Have Known (take 6)
  13. I Might Have Known (take 7)
  14. I Might Have Known (take 8)
  15. I Might Have Known (take 9)
  16. I Might Have Known (take 10)
  17. Important Words (take 1)
  18. Important Words (take 2)
  19. Important Words (takes 3-4-5)
  20. Important Words (take 6)
  21. Important Words (take 7)
  22. Important Words (take 8)
  23. Important Words (takes 9-10)
  24. Important Words (take 11)
  25. Important Words (take 12)
  26. Crazy Beat (take 1)
  27. Crazy Beat (takes 2-3-4)
  28. Crazy Beat (take 5)
  29. Crazy Beat (takes 6-7)
  30. Crazy Beat (take 8)
  31. I'm Gonna Catch Me a Rat (take 1)
  32. I'm Gonna Catch Me a Rat (takes 2-3)
  33. I'm Gonna Catch Me a Rat (takes 4-5)
  34. I'm Gonna Catch Me a Rat (takes 6-8)
  35. I'm Gonna Catch Me a Rat (take 9)
  36. I'm Gonna Catch Me a Rat (take 10)
  37. I'm Gonna Catch Me a Rat (takes 11-12-14)
  38. It's Been Nice (Goodnight) (takes 1-2-3)
  39. It's Been Nice (Goodnight) (take 4)
  40. It's Been Nice (Goodnight) (take 5)
  1. It's Been Nice (Goodnight) (takes 6-7)
  2. It's Been Nice (Goodnight) (take 8)
  3. It's Been Nice (Goodnight) (takes 9-10)
  4. It's Been Nice (Goodnight) (takes 11-12)
  5. That's the Trouble With Love (take 1) (stereo)
  6. That's the Trouble With Love (take 2) (stereo)
  7. That's the Trouble With Love (take 3) (stereo)
  8. That's the Trouble With Love (take 4) (stereo)
  9. That's the Trouble With Love (take 5) (stereo)
  10. That's the Trouble With Love (take 6) (stereo)
  11. That's the Trouble With Love (take 1) (mono)
  12. That's the Trouble With Love (take 2) (mono)
  13. That's the Trouble With Love (take 3) (mono)
  14. That's the Trouble With Love (take 4) (mono)
  15. That's the Trouble With Love (take 5) (mono)
  16. That's the Trouble With Love (take 6) (mono)
  17. That's the Trouble With Love (takes 7-8) (mono)
  18. That's the Trouble With Love (takes 9-10) (mono)
  19. That's the Trouble With Love (take 11) (mono)
  20. That's the Trouble With Love (take 12) (mono)
  21. That's the Trouble With Love (take 13) (mono)
  22. Good Lovin' (takes 1-2) (stereo)
  23. Good Lovin' (take 3) (stereo)
  24. Good Lovin' (takes 4-5) (stereo)
  25. Good Lovin' (take 6) (stereo)
  26. Good Lovin' (take 7) (stereo)
  27. Good Lovin' (takes 8-9) (stereo)
  28. Good Lovin' (takes 10-11-12) (stereo)
  29. Good Lovin' (take 13) (stereo)
  30. Good Lovin' (Tags 1-2-3-4) (stereo)
  31. Good Lovin' (takes 1-2) (mono)
  32. Good Lovin' (take 3) (mono)
  33. Good Lovin' (takes 4-5) (mono)
  34. Good Lovin' (take 6) (mono)
  35. Good Lovin' (take 7) (mono)
  36. Good Lovin' (takes 8-9) (mono)
  37. Good Lovin' (takes 10-11-12) (mono)
  38. Good Lovin' (take 13) (mono)
  39. Good Lovin' (Tags 1-2-3-4) (mono)
  1. Mister Loneliness (take 1) (stereo)
  2. Mister Loneliness (take 2) (stereo)
  3. Mister Loneliness (takes 3-4) (stereo)
  4. Mister Loneliness (takes 5-6) (stereo)
  5. Mister Loneliness (take 1) (mono)
  6. Mister Loneliness (take 2) (mono)
  7. Mister Loneliness (takes 3-4) (mono)
  8. Mister Loneliness (take 5) (mono)
  9. Teardrops (takes 1-2-3) (stereo)
  10. Teardrops (take 4) (stereo)
  11. Teardrops (take 5) (stereo)
  12. Teardrops (take 6) (stereo)
  13. Teardrops (take 7) (stereo)
  14. Teardrops (take 8) (stereo)
  15. Teardrops (takes 1-2-3) (mono)
  16. Teardrops (take 4) (mono)
  17. Teardrops (take 5) (mono)
  18. Teardrops (take 6) (mono)
  19. Teardrops (take 7) (mono)
  20. Teardrops (take 8) (mono)
  21. Teardrops (takes 9-10-11) (mono)
  22. Teardrops (take 12) (mono)
  23. Teardrops (takes 13-14) (mono)
  24. Teardrops (take 15) (mono)
  25. Teardrops (takes 16-17) (mono)
  26. If You Want My Lovin' (takes 1-2) (stereo)
  27. If You Want My Lovin' (take 3) (stereo)
  28. If You Want My Lovin' (take 4) (stereo)
  29. If You Want My Lovin' (takes 1-2) (mono)
  30. If You Want My Lovin' (take 3) (mono)
  31. If You Want My Lovin' (take 4) (mono)
  32. If You Want My Lovin' (takes 5-6) (mono)
  33. If You Want My Lovin' (takes 7-8) (mono)
  34. If You Want My Lovin' (takes 9-10) (mono)
  35. If You Want My Lovin' (take 11) (mono)
  36. If You Want My Lovin' (take 12) (mono)
  37. If You Want My Lovin' (take 13) (mono)
  38. If You Want My Lovin' (take 14) (mono)
  1. Spaceship to Mars (take 1) (stereo)
  2. Spaceship to Mars (take 2) (stereo)
  3. Spaceship to Mars (take 3) (stereo)
  4. Spaceship to Mars (take 4) (stereo)
  5. Spaceship to Mars (take 5) (stereo)
  6. Spaceship to Mars (take 6) (stereo)
  7. Spaceship to Mars (take 7) (stereo)
  8. Spaceship to Mars (take 8) (stereo)
  9. There I Go Again (Whoops I'm Dreaming) (takes 1-2) (mono)
  10. There I Go Again (Whoops I'm Dreaming) (take 2) (mono)
  11. There I Go Again (Whoops I'm Dreaming) (take 4) (mono)
  12. There I Go Again (Whoops I'm Dreaming) (takes 5-6-7-8) (mono)
  13. There I Go Again (Whoops I'm Dreaming) (takes 9-10) (mono)
  14. There I Go Again (Whoops I'm Dreaming) (take 11) (mono)
  15. Spaceship to Mars (takes 27-28) (mono)
  16. Spaceship to Mars (take 29) (mono)
  17. Spaceship to Mars (takes 30-32) (mono)
  18. Spaceship to Mars (take 33) (mono)
  19. Spaceship to Mars (take 34) (mono)
  20. King of Fools (take 1) (stereo)
  21. King of Fools (takes 2-3) (stereo)
  22. King of Fools (take 4) (stereo)
  23. King of Fools (take 5) (stereo)
  24. King of Fools (take 6) (stereo)
  25. You're Still in My Heart (take 1) (stereo)
  26. You're Still in My Heart (takes 2-3-4-5) (stereo)
  27. You're Still in My Heart (take 6) (stereo)
  28. You're Still in My Heart (takes 7-8-9) (stereo)
  29. Held for Questioning (take 1) (stereo)
  30. Be-Bop-A-Lula '62 (take 1) (stereo)
  31. Temptation Baby (Joe Meek rec. alternate take) (mono)
  32. Temptation Baby (take 1) (stereo)
  33. Temptation Baby (takes 2-3) (stereo)
  34. Where Have You Been All My Life (take 1) (stereo)
  35. Where Have You Been All My Life (take 2) (stereo)
  36. Where Have You Been All My Life (takes 3-4-5-6-7) (stereo)
  37. Where Have You Been All My Life (takes 8-9-10) (stereo)
  38. Where Have You Been All My Life (take 11) (stereo)
  39. Where Have You Been All My Life (take 12) (stereo)
  40. The Beginning of the End (take 1) (stereo)
  41. The Beginning of the End (take 2) (stereo)
  42. The Beginning of the End (take 3) (stereo)
  43. The Beginning of the End (take 4) (binaural)
  44. The Beginning of the End (take 5) (binaural)
  45. The Beginning of the End (take 6) (binaural)
  1. Bird Doggin' (takes 1-2-3) (mono)
  2. Bird Doggin' (backing vocals excerpt) (mono)
  3. Lonely Street (alternate take) (mono)
  4. Lonely Street (master without vocals overdub) (mono)
  5. Love Is a Bird (takes 1-2-3-4) (mono)
  6. Love Is a Bird (master without vocals overdub) (stereo)
  7. Born To Be A Rolling Stone (take 1) (stereo)
  8. Born To Be A Rolling Stone (take 2) (stereo)
  9. Born To Be A Rolling Stone (take 3) (stereo)
  10. Born To Be A Rolling Stone (take 4) (stereo)
  11. Born To Be A Rolling Stone (take 5 - master) (stereo)
  12. Hurtin' For You Baby (take 4) (stereo)
  13. Hurtin' For You Baby (take 6) (stereo)
  14. Hi Lilli Hi Lo (takes 1-2) (stereo)
  15. Hi Lilli Hi Lo (take 3) (stereo)
  16. Hi Lilli Hi Lo (take 4) (stereo)
  17. Hi Lilli Hi Lo (take 5 - master) (stereo)
  18. Poor Man's Prison (take 1) (stereo)
  19. Poor Man's Prison (take 2) (stereo)
  20. Poor Man's Prison (take 3) (stereo)
  21. Poor Man's Prison (take 4) (stereo)
  22. Poor Man's Prison (takes 5, 6 - master) (stereo)
  23. I'm A Lonesome Fugitive (take 1) (stereo)
  24. I'm A Lonesome Fugitive (take 2) (stereo)
  25. I'm A Lonesome Fugitive (take 3) (stereo)

The Road Is Rocky (The Complete Studio Masters 1956-1971) (Compilation)

  1. Race With the Devil
  2. Be-Bop-A-Lula Deutsche Übersetzung von Gene Vincent - Be-Bop-A-Lula
  3. Woman Love
  4. I Sure Miss You
  5. Jezebel
  6. Crazy Legs
  7. Peg O' My Heart
  8. Wedding Bells (Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine)
  9. Waltz of the Wind
  10. Up a Lazy River
  11. Ain't She Sweet
  12. Gonna Back Up Baby
  13. Who Slapped John
  14. Jumps, Giggles and Shouts
  15. Bluejean Bop
  16. I Flipped
  17. Bop Street
  18. Well, I Knocked Bim Bam
  19. You Told a Fib
  20. Jump Back, Honey, Jump Back
  21. Teenage Partner (version 1)
  22. Blues Stay Away From Me
  23. Five Feet of Lovin' (version 1)
  24. Cat Man
  25. Double Talkin' Baby
  26. Hold Me, Hug Me, Rock Me
  27. Unchained Melody
  1. B-I-Bickey-Bi Bo Bo Go
  2. Pink Thunderbird
  3. Pretty, Pretty Baby
  4. Cruisin'
  5. Important Words (version 1)
  6. You Better Believe
  7. Red Bluejeans and a Pony Tail
  8. Five Days, Five Days
  9. In My Dreams
  10. I Got It
  11. Wear My Ring
  12. Lotta Lovin'
  13. Rollin' Danny
  14. Time Will Bring You Everything
  15. True to You
  16. In My Dreams
  17. Dance to the Bop
  18. By the Light of the Silvery Moon
  19. Right Now
  20. You'll Never Walk Alone
  21. I Got a Baby
  22. Your Cheatin' Heart
  23. Baby Blue (version 1)
  24. Walkin' Home From School
  25. It's No Lie
  26. Should I Ever Love Again
  27. Flea Brain
  28. Brand New Beat
  29. Frankie and Johnnie
  1. You Belong to Me
  2. Keep It a Secret
  3. Yes, I Love You Baby
  4. Dance in the Street
  5. Git It
  6. I Love You
  7. Teenage Partner (remake of 15978)
  8. Peace of Mind
  9. Lovely Loretta
  10. Little Lover
  11. Rocky Road Blues
  12. Somebody Help Me
  13. Five Feet of Lovin' (remake of 15980)
  14. Look What You Gone and Done to Me
  15. Hey, Good Lookin'
  16. Summertime
  17. I Can't Help It (If I'm Still in Love With You)
  18. The Wayward Wind
  19. Now Is the Hour
  20. In Love Again
  21. Say Mama (Hey Mama)
  22. The Night Is So Lonely (version 1)
  23. The Night Is So Lonely (version 2)
  24. Lonesome Boy
  25. Lady Bug
  26. Lonesome Boy
  27. You Are the One for Me
  28. Maybe
  1. In Love Again
  2. Say Mama
  3. Be Bop Boogie Boy
  4. I Can't Believe You Want to Leave
  5. I Got to Get to You Yet
  6. My Heart
  7. The Night Is So Lonely
  8. Beautiful Brown Eyes
  9. Rip It Up
  10. Maybelline
  11. High Blood Pressure
  12. Who's Pushing Your Swing
  13. Anna Annabelle
  14. Gone, Gone, Gone
  15. I Might Have Known
  16. Important Words
  17. My Baby Don't Love
  18. Over the Rainbow
  19. Ready Teddy
  20. Vincent's Blues
  21. Pretty Pearly (mono)
  22. Accentuate the Positive (mono)
  23. She She Little Sheila (mono)
  24. Darlene (version 1) (mono)
  25. Why Don't You People Learn How to Drive (mono)
  26. Crazy Times (mono)
  27. Greenback Dollar (mono)
  28. Big Fat Saturday Night (mono)
  29. Wild Cat (mono)
  30. Hot Dollar (mono)
  31. Right Here on Earth (mono)
  32. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain (mono)
  33. Everybody's Got a Date but Me (mono)
  34. Mitchiko From Tokyo (mono)
  1. Pretty Pearly (stereo)
  2. Accentuate the Positive (stereo)
  3. She She Little Sheila (stereo)
  4. Darlene (version 2) (stereo)
  5. Why Don't You People Learn How to Drive (stereo)
  6. Crazy Times (stereo)
  7. Greenback Dollar (stereo)
  8. Big Fat Saturday Night (stereo)
  9. Wild Cat (stereo)
  10. Hot Dollar (stereo)
  11. Right Here on Earth (version 2) (stereo)
  12. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain (stereo)
  13. Everybody's Got a Date but Me (stereo)
  14. Mitchiko From Tokyo (stereo)
  15. Pistol Packin' Mama
  16. Weeping Willow
  17. Crazy Beat
  18. I'm Gonna Catch Me a Rat
  19. It's Been Nice
  20. That's the Trouble With Love
  21. Good Lovin'
  22. Mister Loneliness
  23. Teardrops
  24. If You Want My Lovin'
  25. I'm Goin' Home (To See My Baby)
  26. Love of a Man
  27. Baby Don't Believe Him
  28. Lucky Star
  1. Spaceship to Mars
  2. There I Go Again (Whoops I'm Dreaming)
  3. King of Fools
  4. You're Still in My Heart
  5. Held for Questioning
  6. Be-Bop-A-Lula '62
  7. Temptation Baby
  8. Where Have You Been All My Life
  9. The Beginning of the End
  10. La Den da Den Do Da
  11. Humpity Dumpity
  12. A Love 'em and Leave 'em Kinda Guy
  13. Love Love Love
  14. Lavender Blue
  15. You Are My Sunshine
  16. Slippin' And Slidin'
  17. Private Detective
  18. Shimmy Shammy Shingle
  19. Long Tall Sally
  20. Good Golly Miss Molly
  21. Send Me Some Lovin'
  22. Hey Hey Hey Hey
  23. Another Saturday Night
  24. Someday (You'll Want Me to Want You)
  25. Baby Blue
  26. Suzie-Q
  1. Bird Doggin'
  2. Ain't That Too Much
  3. Lonely Street
  4. I've Got My Eyes On You
  5. Love Is A Bird
  6. Born To Be A Rolling Stone
  7. Hurtin' For You Baby
  8. Hi-Lili Hi Lo
  9. Poor Man's Prison
  10. I'm A Lonesome Fugitive
  11. Words And Music
  12. Am I That Easy To Forget
  13. Pickin' Poppies
  14. Story of the Rockers
  15. In the Pines
  16. White Lightnin'
  17. Lotta Lovin'
  18. Circle Never Broken
  19. Black Letter
  20. Rainbow at Midnight
  21. (I Heard That) Lonesome Whistle
  22. Scarlet Ribbons
  23. Rockin' Robin
  24. Ruby Baby
  25. Sexy Ways
  26. Be Bop a Lula '59
  27. Pickin' Poppies (different mix)
  28. Story of the Rockers (different mix)
  1. Sunshine
  2. I Need Woman's Love
  3. Slow Times Comin'
  4. Danse Colinda
  5. Geese
  6. 500 Miles Away From Home
  7. Listen to the Music
  8. If Only You Could See Me Today
  9. A Million Shades of Blue
  10. Tush Hog
  11. How I Love Them Old Songs
  12. High on Life
  13. You Can Make It If You Try
  14. There Is Something on Your Mind
  15. North Carolina Line
  16. Our Souls
  17. Oh Lonesome Me
  18. Boppin' the Blues
  19. The Day the World Turned Blue
  20. The Woman in Black
  21. Looking Back
  22. Say Mama '71
  23. I'm Movin' On


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