
KT Subtle Bodies, The Fourfold Model, Talk 3.15, 3.16 (Soundtrack)

  1. 3.15.1 Blurry vision and lesser incarnation of the astral
  2. 3.15.2 In terms of subtle bodies, why this association between third eye vision and a blurry physical image?
  3. 3.15.3 What Advice Can One Give to People Who Experience a Third Eye Opening and Worry Because Their Physical Vision Becomes Blurry at Times?
  4. 3.15.4 Why did Italian Renaissance women sometimes end up with the wrong lover, and what has this question to do with subtle bodies?
  5. 3.15.5 If shortsightedness is associated with insufficient impaction of the astral body, can one get rid of glasses by acting on the subtle bodies?
  6. 3.15.6 Trāṭaka
  7. 3.15.7 In the months following the death of a close relative, a child suddenly requires glasses for severe shortsightedness. What does this call for?
  8. 3.15.8 In terms of subtle bodies, how can one interpret the fact that shortsightedness often gets better as people grow older?
  9. 3.15.9 If the astral body of Atlantean people was much less incarnated than ours, what can we infer about their physical vision?
  10. 3.15.10 In the title of Wagner's Tetralogy, Der Ring des Nibelungen, to what does 'Nibelung' refer?
  11. 3.16 Food and the Incarnation Balance
  12. 3.16.1 At the end of your first ISIS sessions, it is not uncommon to feel slightly dizzy for a few minutes. In terms of subtle bodies, what is happening?
  13. 3.16.2 Usually, after a few ISIS sessions, clients no longer experience this dizziness. Why?
  14. 3.16.3 You have just given a deep ISIS to a client, who now feels quite spaced out. The client has to drive home soon. What do you do?
  15. 3.16.4 Through which mechanism does eating incarnate the astral body into the physical?
  16. 3.16.5 Just after a meal, it is often more difficult to do high flying abstract thinking. In terms of subtle bodies, why?
  17. 3.16.6 Why is it preferable to meditate before eating rather than after?
  18. 3.16.7 Why is deep thinking more difficult after eating heavy junk food than after a plate of grated carrots?
  19. 3.16.8 Why is it more work for the astral body to digest meat than vegetables?
  20. 3.16.9 In terms of subtle bodies, what is a poisonous plant?
  21. 3.16.10 After a deer has been hunted for a few hours, its meat becomes unfit for consumption. Why?
  22. 3.16.11 Why do voracious people usually feel more satisfied by a meal containing meat than by only fruits and vegetables?
  23. 3.16.12 Muscles, proteins and astrality
  24. 3.16.13 Proteins and astrality
  25. 3.16.14 What action does eating meat have on the incarnation balance?
  26. 3.16.15 What connection is there between meat consumption, competitiveness and violence?
  27. 3.16.16 Which country has the highest meat consumption in the world, wins the most medals at the Olympic games and has a high level of street violence? What conclusion can you draw in terms of subtle bodies?

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  1. 3.2.7 Conclusion
  2. 3.10.6 In terms of subtle bodies, why is it that different people have quite different pain thresholds?
  3. 3.4.1 Shattering
  4. 3.8.11 Life as a slow cooking
  5. 3.6.8 Being and consciousness
  6. 3.1.3 Subtle bodies
  7. 3.1.8 Setting the scene
  8. 3.18.12 Manley P. Hall's theories about the origin of the ancient Egyptian culture
  9. 3.10.16 In terms of subtle bodies, why do people tend to experience more pain in their old age?
  10. 3.4.5 Etheric sensing - how to
  11. 2.6.1 Dealing with entities
  12. 4.5.3 Interpreting the text
  13. 3.4.9 Pressure and headaches
  14. 4.5.2 Interpretation: an attitude, a state of consciousness
  15. 3.11.7 Duration
  16. 4.3.2a Technique to throw the coins and ask a question of the Yi Jing
  17. 2.3.6 Etheric sensing - focus on vibration and tingling
  18. 2.3.2 Uplifting
  19. 2.2.5 Musical image - cavern of the underworlds
  20. 3.3.5 Samskaras
  21. 2.4.2 Story - meeting Antaria
  22. 3.5.5 The art of tuning in
  23. 3.2.7 The gold of meditation
  24. 3.4.5 The Voice in Atlantis
  25. 3.1.19 Modems and the world wide web
  26. 3.11.2 IAW phase 2 - the landscape of consciousness
  27. 2.2.8 Hand reflection practice on the envelope of the throat
  28. 3.14.10 Is irritability a sign of insufficient or over-incarnation of the astral body?
  29. 2.2.11 Organising your practice
  30. 3.3.5 Etheric sensing when cooking and before eating
  31. 3.4.4 The Lost Word
  32. 2.3.3 Superior stillness - remembering the Voice
  33. 3.6.11 God
  34. 3.4.3 You can always open your eyes
  35. 2.4.6 Practice on the dead time
  36. 2.4.5 Musical image - Nature as one big heart
  37. 4.3.7 To each question its time window
  38. 3.12.9 Anthroposophical views on health and illness
  39. 2.1.2 Organising your work
  40. 3.4.2 Pre-death shattering
  41. 2.2.7 Uplifting - the technique
  42. 3.18.6 The symbolism of 40 in biblical literature
  43. 3.7.2 Meditation - when and where
  44. 3.3.1 Qualities, the natural progression
  45. 3.3.3 Third eye or no third eye?
  46. 3.7.9 The word soul in Steiner's writings
  47. 3.10.15 Using subtle bodies, can you explain the following folk remedy for cramps
  48. 3.1 Practical, Life Flow Discovery
  49. 3.2.1 Near death experiences
  50. 3.7.5 Meditation - things that happen
  51. 3.12.8 Thinking processes
  52. 2.3.11 Musical images - Flying Dragons and winds of remoteness
  53. 2.1.3 Samskaras
  54. 2.1.4 Musical images
  55. 3.11 Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle
  56. 3.10.7 Extreme instability
  57. 4.2.4 Vortex
  58. 3.5.6 Crystals
  59. 2.2.11 Bye!
  60. 3.1.4 Proving the existence of subtle bodies
  61. 2.2.7 A short night practice on the envelope of the heart
  62. 2.3.13 Loofah
  63. 3.1.8 Ego, Spirit and Self
  64. 3.1.12 Desensitisation
  65. 2.4.6 Reactions and grasping
  66. 3.7.1 Astral body and stars
  67. 3.17.16 Masters of martial arts often give the feeling of a great denseness of energy. In terms of subtle bodies, where does this come from?
  68. 3.8.1 Overview
  69. 2.7.3 Mental substance – you are what you eat
  70. 3.11.10 Earth bound spirits
  71. 3.15.1 Managing grief
  72. 2.4.8 Musical image - birth of the light
  73. 3.4.8 Hearing voices
  74. 2.3.8 Throat friction, good and bad times
  75. 3.5.20 Does this mean that etheric energy is the same as electromagnetic radiation?
  76. 2.3.12 The end
  77. 3.5.3 Etheric touch, magic touch
  78. 3.9.3 It is very early in the morning, you have just woken up and are feeling sleepy and blurry/ What is happening to your subtle bodies?
  79. 3.4.9 Nervous system and the astral body
  80. 3.7.3 Astral body and astrological chart
  81. 3.10.5 Misreading of the pre-death undoing
  82. 3.10.3 Immediate afterlife wandering at the movies
  83. 3.3.2 The importance of a language for mapping consciousness
  84. 3.21.8 Spiritual hierarchies
  85. 3.4.6 Etheric images
  86. 3.1.1 Attitudes to technology
  87. 2.4.7 Etheric sensing and empathy
  88. 2.4.3 Hexagram 61 - Inner Truth
  89. 2.3.14 Your meditation
  90. 3.3.11 Going further by discerning the presence behind the light
  91. 3.7.10 Animals, astral body and anima
  92. 3.17.20 What can you say about the anger of people whose astral body shows a chronic lack of incarnation?
  93. 3.1.15 Hardware
  94. 2.2.1 Welcome
  95. 3.2.5 Subtle body mechanism related to death
  96. 3.4.16 Blood and Ego
  97. 3.9.9 You wake up in the morning feeling awful. Apart from the reasons already mentioned, what subtle body mechanism may be at play?
  98. 3.5 Guided Life Flow Meditation
  99. 2.3.6 Night practice
  100. 2.2.1 Greetings
  101. 3.3.6 The meaning of tradition in Clairvision language
  102. 3.17.11 If in the days or weeks following a delivery, a woman suffers from heavy sweating, what is the most likely reason in terms of subtle bodies?
  103. 3.21.12 What stage will present minerals undergo during the Vulcan manvantara?
  104. 2.3.10 Ending in fire
  105. 3.9 Subtle Bodies and Sleep
  106. 2.2.4 Addressing causes, rather than looking for quickfix solutions
  107. 3.8.7 Dao line - cosmic equipoise
  108. 3.14.5 Since the astral body's incarnation favours catabolism, does it mean that people who are over-incarnated tend to be thin?
  109. 3.1.3 Materialism
  110. 3.4.18 Blood-brain barrier
  111. 4.3.3 Holding questions in packed form
  112. 2.1.8 Vibration triangle
  113. 3.5.4 Er - Meadow of the Parting of the Ways
  114. 2.4.2 Subtle bodies are everywhere
  115. 4.6.4 Time windows
  116. 3.21.14 In terms of evolution, which life wave is as far behind humans as humans are behind the Archangels?
  117. 3.4.3 Earth element and the spleen
  118. 3.19.12 Alcohol and the fire element
  119. 3.12.1 Metabolism, anabolism and catabolism
  120. 3.3.3 Mapping a spiritual methodology for the technological age
  121. 3.7.13 Astrality and electric current - symbolic associations
  122. 3.4.3 Young children
  123. 3.1.5 Etheric body = prāņa-maya-kośa
  124. 2.2.8 Hand field and musical image - Takhar dancing by the river
  125. 3.4.10 'Kidney' versus kidneys
  126. 2.1.7 Guided meditation
  127. 2.4.8 Interlude - Flying Dragons as cosmic harps
  128. 3.1.3 Qi
  129. 2.1.6b Music practice, laying down
  130. 2.2.12 Practical instructions
  131. 3.5.13 The etheric in nails and hair
  132. 3.4.13 Heart and Ego
  133. 3.3.13 Upper complex and lower complex
  134. 3.15.9 Who should and who should not practise the technique of reading the Book of the Dead?
  135. 3.1.4 Involution, the central mystery of meditation
  136. 3.3.5 Steiner's terminology
  137. 3.9.2 The moment of death - practical consequences
  138. 2.2.12 Ending in fire
  139. 3.1.7 CRT monitors bite!
  140. 3.13.6 Spiritual implications for breathing exercises
  141. 3.8.5 Grim reaper
  142. 3.11.1 In terms of subtle bodies, why do plants continue to grow until they die, while animals stop growing when the become adult?
  143. 3.11.4 Subtle bodies, the structural side
  144. 2.4.5 Uplifting as a de-exvolution
  145. 3.1.3 Great technological challenges ahead of humanity
  146. 2.2.1 Integration of the psychological and metaphysical dimensions
  147. 3.8.3 The time for letting go
  148. 2.2.1 A secret entrance to the catacombs
  149. 3.14.14 Premenstrual tension
  150. 2.2.7 Musical image - seas of gems in the Underworlds
  151. 2.4.11 Hexagram 29
  152. 2.2.8 Black Madonna, mystery of the Earth
  153. 3.18.1 The first obvious fact about deserts is the scarcity of water, plants and life. In terms of subtle bodies, what does this suggest?
  154. 3.4.7 Etheric body and the glandular system
  155. 3.13.2 In terms of subtle bodies, what is the meaning of instinctively taking a deep breath before undertaking an act that requires courage?
  156. 2.1.9 Musical image - Priestesses of Dawn
  157. 3.3.3 Etheric sensing - methods
  158. 4.3.4 The art of throwing the coins
  159. 4.4.9 Questions and answers
  160. 3.6.2 Upanisads - the four state of consciousness
  161. 3.4.2 Animals
  162. 3.4.4 Earth element and the lung
  163. 3.3.2 Night practice, practical indications
  164. 3.3.7 Tips to help feel the light
  165. 3.4.19 Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen
  166. 3.11.8 To which subtle body is sexual reproduction primarily linked?
  167. 2.2.4 Night practice
  168. 3.14.19 What happens to the subtle bodies of westerners travelling in India?
  169. 2.3.8 In water
  170. 2.4.1 Welcome
  171. 3.2.5 Grasping
  172. 3.19.6 Coffee, seen by Albiruni
  173. 2.2.4 A flavour of stillness
  174. 3.10.11 In terms of subtle bodies, what happens when get a cramp?
  175. 3.21.11 During which manvantara will present plants reach the angelic stage?
  176. 2.2.10 Etheric sensing - the grid of attributes
  177. 3.1.1 How to use this KT
  178. 4.3.1 Going uphill
  179. 3.13.2 Knowledge and attitude
  180. 2.3.3 Space
  181. 3.10.5 Why does one feel more pain if one is agitated?
  182. 3.16.21 Why is it that during fasting one can experience some devastatingly intense emotional waves?
  183. 2.2.8 Uplifting - discussing practicalities
  184. 3.18.15 Antoine Bovis and the royal chamber of the Great Pyramid
  185. 3.17.15 Focussing on the will centre and activating it can immediately result in sealing the aura. What does this indicate, as far as subtle bodies are concerned?
  186. 3.5.2 Etheric body and life force
  187. 2.1.10 Central thread exercises
  188. 2.4.2 Uplifting practice, tips and discussion
  189. 3.11.14 In terms of subtle bodies, why do cramps often accompany menstruation?
  190. 2.3.9 Organising your practice and studies during period 3
  191. 3.11.4 The rebel phase of puberty
  192. 2.2.10 Secret
  193. 3.1.16 Experiment
  194. 3.15.10 Reading the Book of the Dead - practical instructions
  195. 2.3.8 Hexagram 48 and clear fountain
  196. 3.1.2 The problems
  197. 2.6.3 Entities and land energies
  198. 3.17.9 In terms of subtle bodies, what does sweating indicate?
  199. 2.3.7 Practices on the central thread and uplifting
  200. 3.4.4 At home in space
  201. 3.11.10 Which planetary force is the most directly associated with the etheric body?
  202. 3.22.1 The ages of the Earth
  203. 3.5.3 Detour: myths of judgement in The Gorgias
  204. 3.11.3 Omnipresence of the light
  205. 3.3.8 The spiritual value of sleep
  206. 3.6.9 Terms related to consciousness
  207. 3.18.17 It has been reported that if food is kept under a pyramid, insects won't touch it. In terms of subtle bodies, how could this be explained?
  208. 2.1.12 Musical image - descender mice
  209. 3.10.12 In terms of subtle bodies, what is the meaning of contracture in cases of paralysis?
  210. 3.3.10 Different modalities of light
  211. 3.22.4 Tree of knowledge and sexual intercourse
  212. 4.3.2b Comments
  213. 3.1.4 Etheric opening
  214. 4.4.4 Karmic consequences of fortune telling
  215. 3.3.7 Glorious body
  216. 3.17.2 What is the effect of shoes on toddlers' development?
  217. 3.19.17 In astrology, what is the planetary energy which stands for the Ego? What is metal associated with it?
  218. 2.4.4 Fourfold model – astral body and Ego
  219. 3.3.7 The role of samskaras in reincarnation processes
  220. 2.1.8 The meditation technique - practical instructions
  221. 3.21.1 Manvantaras and pralaya
  222. 3.21.2 Manvantaras revisited by the theosophists
  223. 3.17.6 What is the effect of physical effort on the degree of incarnation of the astral body?
  224. 3.17.17 A common result of anger is to make people tense and ready to fight. How does this work, in terms of subtle bodies?
  225. 3.10.6 Astral layers
  226. 2.1.10 Etheric sensing contrasts
  227. 2.1.13 The end
  228. 2.3.1 Let the material sink in
  229. 3.9.2 It is very late in the evening. Sleepiness is making you feel blurry. In terms of subtle bodies, what is happening?
  230. 3.17.7 Mountain climbing and flashes of consciousness
  231. 2.2.4 Musical image - the blobs
  232. 2.1.3 The shortest way to enlightenment is rarely a straight line
  233. 3.4 Guided Life Flow Meditation
  234. 2.3.1 A singing mood
  235. 3.4.1 Introduction - why etheric sensing?
  236. 3.3.4 Astral body - huge reservoir, mob of characters
  237. 2.3.4 Hexagram 35
  238. 3.12 The Etheric-Astral Articulation
  239. 3.1.2 Should you 'believe'?
  240. 2.2.6 Etheric sensing - musical gems
  241. 3.3.5 Awareness of the breath
  242. 3.21 Manvantaras, Hierarchies, and the Bodies of Angels
  243. 2.4.10 Hexagram 55
  244. 3.1.2 Physical body = anna-maya-kośa
  245. 3.11.7 Why do castrated men put on weight?
  246. 3.11.13 In terms of subtle bodies, what is the significant of the 0.5° temperature rise in the days following ovulation?
  247. 3.3.3 The fourfold model
  248. 3.11.9 In astrological symbolism, which planetary force is traditionally associated with the uterus?
  249. 2.1.5 Conclusion
  250. 3.21.7 Stragglers and forerunners
  251. 2.4.11 Musical image - Black Madonna
  252. 3.17.8 In terms of subtle bodies, how do relaxation and meditation combat stress?
  253. 3.1.5 LCD screen
  254. 3.15.4 Funerals
  255. 3.10.2 Immediate afterlife wandering phase 1
  256. 2.1.7 Ying Yang fundamentals
  257. 3.1.18 Don't just stare at the machine like a virtual potato. Look somewhere!
  258. 3.7.4 Meditation - when to move, when to stay still
  259. 2.6.2 Entity clearing
  260. 2.2.2 Throat friction, scope and applications
  261. 3.9.6 Clear light - the rising of the cosmic self at the end of the chain of de-exvolution
  262. 3.2.3 Twitches and jerks
  263. 3.3.7 Etheric images
  264. 2.7.4 Digital sound
  265. 3.14.18 Why do some women stop menstruating during a long journey?
  266. 4.1.3 Sounds for light
  267. 3.2.2 Integration of practice and theory
  268. 3.1.4 Contextualising the etheric
  269. 3.10.14 How can subtle bodies provide an explanation for magnets relieving pain?
  270. 3.3.4 Circulation through body parts
  271. 3.7.3 Body of immortality
  272. 3.13.3 Aspiration
  273. 3.10.19 Why do nervous people tend to fidget?
  274. 3.18.5 What is the original Greek word for wilderness in "I am the voice of the one crying in the wilderness"?
  275. 4.1.1 Hello
  276. 2.1.4 Uplifting
  277. 3.5.9 The bridges between the physical and the etheric
  278. 2.1.5 Musical image - Felicia calling on Verzazyel
  279. 3.9.1 In terms of subtle bodies, what happens when someone falls asleep?
  280. 3.8.3 Fever and the Ego
  281. 3.1.9 Patanjali on posture
  282. 2.2.2 Hexagrams 7 and 8
  283. 2.3.2 Humming power
  284. 3.2.7 A conclusion
  285. 2.3.12 Etheric sensing
  286. 3.3.9 What to do when tuning into light
  287. 3.1.14 Superastrality of different operating systems
  288. 3.3.1 Etheric sensing for creative living
  289. 3.15.8 Purposes of the technique
  290. 2.2.2 The art of creating spaces
  291. 4.1.7 How many answers can the Yi Jing give?
  292. 2.1.1 Fu Xi's Mountain
  293. 3.14.8 In terms of subtle bodies, why are modern people far more stressed than their ancestors?
  294. 3.19.14 In terms of subtle bodies, what do drunkenness and acute schizophrenia have in common?
  295. 3.2.11 Practice, practice, practice...
  296. 3.1.10 The value of keeping the back straight while meditating
  297. 2.2.10 The end
  298. 3.7.6 Mind = astral body
  299. 4.4.8 Petrexvol
  300. 3.14.16 In terms of the incarnation balance, what is the meaning of not wanting to go out, but feeling like quietly staying home?
  301. 3.11.8 Judgement
  302. 3.1.7 Prakash's clearing
  303. 3.5.2 Sexuality and etheric
  304. 3.8.6 A definition of death?
  305. 2.2.1 Welcome to Liquefaction
  306. 3.3.6 Visual retrospection
  307. 3.3.9 Little ego = astral body
  308. 3.17.18 Some people lose all their abilities when they are enraged. Others are made more powerful by anger. Why?
  309. 3.8.1 Neurosis and psychosis
  310. 3.10.10 What conclusions can we draw about the link between muscles and the astral body?
  311. 3.15.7 The practice of reading the Book of the Dead
  312. 3.8 Life Flow Practice with Music
  313. 2.1.9 Instructions for meditation
  314. 2.4.2 Sense mix-ups
  315. 2.2.3 Night practice - body of vibration, body and light
  316. 3.5.12 The 'shape' of the etheric body
  317. 3.11.16 Why can anti-psychotic drugs cause amenorrhea?
  318. 2.4.9 CFS and subtle bodies
  319. 2.3.8 Humming, one more step towards intoxication
  320. 2.1.4 Throat friction, an advanced technique
  321. 3.3.4 Emphasis on technological skills
  322. 3.4.12 The meaning of the heart
  323. 3.2.1 Definitions and overview
  324. 3.3.1 Mapping consciousness
  325. 3.12.6 What do thoughts and cramps have in common?
  326. 3.5.6 Etheric pleasure
  327. 3.13.5 From the breath cycle to the precession of the equinoxes
  328. 3.8.2 Ego and warm blood
  329. 3.3.2 What does the vibration feel like?
  330. 3.14.17 When people show a lack of precision in their statements and their actions, what can you conclude about their subtle bodies?
  331. 2.4.5 Musical image - the one note before celebration
  332. 3.11.9 Suicide and violent deaths
  333. 3.17.1 Kidney, Libra and balance
  334. 2.1.7 Musical image - Teyani bathing in the Ocean
  335. 3.21.4 Subtle bodies and manvantaras - evolution versus eternal return
  336. 2.2.9 Musical image - travelling tortoise in the Tartarean Sea
  337. 3.18.2 The etheric-astral balance in deserts
  338. 4.5.6 When the answer doesn't make any sense
  339. 3.2.4 Never surrender your judgement, own your decisions
  340. 3.12.4 In the physical body, which cells are more related to the etheric, which to astral?
  341. 3.16.19 A 22-year-old student has just come back from a 3-week meditation retreat. He has to pass an exam in 7 days but feels totally spaced out - disconnected from his studies. What advice can you give?
  342. 4.1.2 Aspiration
  343. 2.4.7 Sitting position - before the light
  344. 2.3.6 Musical image - guided by White Eagles
  345. 2.3.5 Vibrational exercises using the hands
  346. 3.4.8 Air element and astral body
  347. 2.1.10 Ending in fire
  348. 3.8.5 The meaning of fever in the evolution of a cancer
  349. 3.4.2 Earth element and the physical body
  350. 3.4.3 Karma
  351. 3.7.2 True versus hypothetical past life experiences
  352. 3.9.11 What happens to the subtle bodies of people who are in a coma?
  353. 2.3.2 So, what are we doing?
  354. 2.3.1 Greetings
  355. 3.4.17 Blood and heart
  356. 3.9.7 Mysterious crossing phase
  357. 3.5.16 Aging and the etheric body
  358. 3.2.6 NDE, astral body and meditation experiences
  359. 3.3.4 Ego and transformed bodies
  360. 3.22.11 Free will, regeneration and Homo angelicus
  361. 3.7.5 Correspondences with other systems
  362. 3.9.6 How can you know if you have journeyed into high spheres during the night?
  363. 2.2.2 Eye-belly awareness
  364. 3.2.7 Heat during meditation
  365. 3.2 Guided Life Flow Meditation
  366. 3.19.4 What are the signs showing that coffee creates a temporary incarnation of the astral into the physical?
  367. 3.17.13 Will centre and embryo of will
  368. 3.17.24 What advice can be given to people who fear that by being aware in the third eye while driving, they might have a car accident?
  369. 2.3.2 Humming practice
  370. 3.4.12 Recapping the general principles
  371. 2.5.2 Entities and Health Disorders
  372. 2.1.2 Vibration and light - recap
  373. 3.1.9 Transformed etheric body
  374. 3.12.2 Intermediary worlds
  375. 3.10.13 What is the main homeopathic remedy against cramps, and how is that significant in terms of symbolic medicine?
  376. 2.1.3 Envelopes of the heart and pelvic envelope
  377. 3.3.3 Astral body vs physical mental consciousness
  378. 3.3 Short Guided Life Flow Meditation
  379. 2.2.6 Hand field on the envelope of the heart
  380. 3.2.2 Raymond Moody's findings
  381. 3.19.7 Umeboshi
  382. 2.3.12 Hand field and musical image - foot of the triangle
  383. 2.3.5 Hand reflection
  384. 3.2.5 Feeling emotional
  385. 4.4.1 Travelling instructions
  386. 3.4.1 The larynx, organ of Voice
  387. 3.3.6 Third eye and light
  388. 3.9.7 How can some people be healed by a dream?
  389. 2.4.8 Column above and column below
  390. 3.3.12 Flaring: when the light can't be switched off
  391. 3.1.13 A digression on keyboards
  392. 2.2.4 Central thread and uplifting - the puppet exercise
  393. 3.3.11 How many subtle bodies?
  394. 3.2.3 Contextualising the qualities - India
  395. 3.7.12 Astrality
  396. 3.17.12 How does 'sealing the aura' work?
  397. Night practice 1
  398. 3.4.6 So what reincarnates?
  399. 4.1.7 Verticality practice
  400. 2.4.13 Grace
  401. Night practice 4
  402. Night practice 2
  403. 3.5.15 Spleen, digestion, Saturn and limits
  404. Night practice 3
  405. 3.8.8 Ego and fire
  406. 3.2.4 Thoughts in meditation
  407. 2.3.5 Engaging the practice
  408. 4.5.4 The Yi Jing's language
  409. 3.15.3 Practical recommendations
  410. 3.5.19 Etheric and electromagnetism
  411. 3.17.22 Is awareness in the third eye a factor of incarnation or disincarnation of the astral body?
  412. 3.2.4 NDE - avoid creating stereotypes
  413. 3.7.2 Incarnation as a descent into the planetary spheres
  414. 3.7.7 Emotional body?
  415. 3.3.7 The Archive tradition
  416. 2.1.2 Charges
  417. 3.13.4 Respiratory cycle - symbolic correspondences
  418. 4.2.1 Aspiration
  419. 2.3.9 Creativity technique
  420. 3.17.4 In terms of subtle bodies, what is the significance of the oriental custom of taking one's shoes off before entering temples and homes?
  421. 3.5.4 Understanding the other sex
  422. 2.2.5 Liquefaction, part 2
  423. 3.5.1 Storytelling time
  424. 3.14.3 Resolving unfinished business
  425. 3.3.1 Background - reincarnation and the west
  426. 3.18.7 The symbolism of the number 40
  427. 3.1.7 Astral body = mano-maya-kośa
  428. 3.3.8 The value of ISIS as a preparation for the afterlife
  429. 3.21.3 The sequence of the manvantaras
  430. 3.2.1 See for yourself, know for yourself
  431. 3.3.2 A different approach to life, consciousness and Spirit
  432. 3.17.25 Why do a number of patients get better as soon as they are put in touch with their third eye?
  433. 3.10.18 Why do emotions tend to be accompanied by physical tension?
  434. 4.1.4 From inner light to inner space
  435. 4.6.2 Wu xing, the 5 movements
  436. 2.1.6 Central thread, the continuation of the axis
  437. 3.22.10 The Luciferic infestation
  438. 2.3.5 Hexagram 53
  439. 3.11.1 Context of IAW phase 2
  440. 3.12.1 Explanation of the term
  441. 2.4.4 Cosmological and mythological background
  442. 3.2.4 Clairvision strategies for the etheric to cope with raising the astral voltage
  443. 2.1.8 Guided meditation
  444. 3.10.20 In terms of subtle bodies, how is it that physical exercise can bring relief to someone afflicted by difficult emotions?
  445. 3.9 Extra Practice – Verticality and Uplifting
  446. 3.16.22 In terms of subtle bodies, why are people with high blood pressure made worse by consuming table salt?
  447. 4.4.7 How does the Yi Jing see you?
  448. 2.3.2 Before the session
  449. 3.5.7 Etheric orgasm
  450. 2.3.3 Feeling sound throughout the body
  451. 3.17.21 After working on himself for a few months, someone who used to always be in a good mood starts going through repetitive fits of anger. What can this mean?
  452. 3.10.17 What happens to your subtle bodies when you experience a sudden jerk during meditation?
  453. 2.4.3 The fourfold model in a nutshell
  454. 2.3.7 Heart
  455. 3.22.3 The fall, revisited
  456. 3.1.8 Meditation and posture
  457. 3.13.1 Preparing for death vs becoming resigned
  458. 2.3.10 Essential oils
  459. 3.6.6 E = mc2 = consciousness
  460. 2.1.9 Organising your practice during period 1
  461. 3.1.2 Why 'get out' of the mind?
  462. 3.19.2 But how can a physical substance have an impact on subtle bodies?
  463. 3.13.1 Of inhalation and exhalation, which is more related to the etheric, and which to the astral?
  464. 2.1.1 Meeting Jaleena of the White Eagle
  465. 4.3.8 Documenting your questions
  466. 3.9.4 To drip or not to drip
  467. 3.2.6 Supermind
  468. 3.6.12 Conclusions
  469. 4.3.6 The art of choosing your questions
  470. 3.3.1 Inner alchemy and subtle body building
  471. 2.2.5 Central thread exercises
  472. 4.1.8 Aspiration
  473. 3.15.5 Fragments
  474. 3.1.7 Spiritual challenges
  475. 3.7 Life Flow Practice with Music
  476. 4.2 Night Practice 2
  477. 3.8.4 Childhood diseases
  478. 2.1.1 Welcome
  479. 2.2.3 Empowering the client – processes
  480. 2.2.10 Musical image - Hexagram 42
  481. 3.6 Guided Life Flow Meditation
  482. 2.5.1 Entities, nature and background
  483. 3.10.8 Cot death
  484. 3.13.7 The time between exhalation and inhalation
  485. 3.2.2 What are characteristic functions of plants, as opposed to rocks?
  486. 3.4.5 Karma of knowledge
  487. 3.5.7 Phototropism in terms of subtle bodies
  488. 3.9.8 You wake up more tired than when you went to bed. What has happened?
  489. 3.14.4 Vision techniques - the rising cosmic self
  490. 2.1.3 Receiving the sounds
  491. 3.4.2 Vak-siddhi
  492. 3.21.10 What stage will present plants undergo during the Jupiter manvantara?
  493. 2.4.1 What are subtle bodies?
  494. 3.12.2 Losing weight in the light of subtle bodies
  495. 3.3.6 Samskaras, attracting life circumstances
  496. 2.3.10 Dead time
  497. 3.11.21 Synchronised menstruation
  498. 3.14.2 If none of the symptoms is absolute, what can ultimately determine whether someone's astral body is over- or under-incarnated?
  499. 2.2.7 Musical image - the Fontelayana river
  500. 3.5.9 Active and passive phases
  501. 3.1.20 Review
  502. 2.3.5 The question of past lives
  503. 3.1.2 An age of unprecedented materialism
  504. 3.4.2 Space, tunnels and vortices
  505. 3.17.19 People who have followed a serious training in martial arts aer usually more able to control their anger. Why?
  506. 3.1.1 Experiential knowledge
  507. 3.22.6 The beginning of sleep
  508. 3.4.5 Water element and the etheric body
  509. 3.5.1 What is night practice?
  510. 3.8.7 Enthusiasm
  511. 3.4.1 Scope and limitations of correspondence tables
  512. 2.3.3 Space travelling versus astral travelling
  513. 2.4.10 Prepersonal, personal and transpersonal stages of empathy
  514. 2.7.1 Talks versus practicals
  515. 4.3.2 Asking questions - the technique
  516. 3.17.3 Shoes and incarnation
  517. 3.2.5 Reality, just as it is
  518. 3.4.6 Recap
  519. 3.10.7 The loose astral body of the Atlanteans
  520. 2.1.6a Music practice, sitting
  521. 2.3.13 Musical image - Varga's farewell to the Earth
  522. 3.4.15 Ego and fire element
  523. 3.5.1 The etheric body in a nutshell
  524. 2.4.13 The end
  525. 2.3.10 Hexagram 52 - Mountain
  526. 3.7.4 Tulkus
  527. 2.1.11 Practical instructions
  528. 4.4.3 Angels, oracles and free will
  529. 2.4.10 Musical image - the priestesses of the Dawn of Creation
  530. 3.3.2 First examples
  531. 3.1.6 Meditation is food
  532. 3.19.1 Substances - sub stare
  533. 2.1.4 Sourcing
  534. 2.3.4 Etheric sensing - visionfulness of plants
  535. 3.2.3 Blowing the fuse
  536. 2.1.4 Central thread
  537. 3.1.9 Adaptors
  538. Intermission
  539. 2.4.1 Welcome to the top
  540. 3.12.5 Choice and practicalities of the descent
  541. 3.6.1 Inadequacies of the common use of 'consciousness'
  542. 3.4.6 The future of the voice and the recovery of the Lost Word
  543. 3.1.6 Experientially
  544. 4.1.5 Vortex practice
  545. 4.1.6 Inner sounds
  546. 3.14.5 Speaking about death to children
  547. 4.2.5 Sounds
  548. 2.3.1 Welcome
  549. 2.2.9 Vibration triangle
  550. 3.2.6 What are characteristic functions of human beings as opposed to animals?
  551. 3.11.19 In terms of planetary forces, which remedies would you think of for a young woman going through a phase of anorexia nervosa?
  552. 3.5.14 The etheric of human beings versus plants
  553. 3.7.8 Thoughts and emotions both from the astral body
  554. 3.12.7 Etheric versus etheric
  555. 2.1.7 Musical image - the sapphire room and the aquamarine chamber
  556. 3.5.18 The action of shock on the etheric body
  557. 3.7.1 Past life experiences
  558. 3.7.1 Introduction
  559. 3.19.3 In our society, which substance is most commonly used to impact the astral body into the physical?
  560. 3.2.5 What are characteristic functions of animals as opposed to plants?
  561. 3.2.3 Etheric functions and manifestations
  562. 3.11.22 In his clairvoyant descriptions of the remote past of humanity, Steiner mentioned several times that all women used to menstruate in perfect synchronicity with the Moon cycle. How can we interpret the fact that this no longer happens?
  563. 3.18.9 Since the tendency of the astral is to grasp, does this mean that one experiences more grasping in deserts than anywhere else in the world?
  564. 2.1.6 Now
  565. 2.1.10 Musical image - playful Naga hissing poetic fire by the shores of the Sea of Lightning
  566. 3.2.7 Clairvision versus clairvoyance
  567. 3.11.2 Why do children stop growing not long after puberty?
  568. 3.4.3 Biblical creation: the world was spoken
  569. 2.4.9 Playing the harp
  570. 2.4.12 The world is a buzzing forest
  571. 3.17.5 In ISIS or similar forms of therapy, when a client forgets to take off his shoes, what does this indicate?
  572. 3.9.12 Why is the expression 'vegetative coma' particularly appropriate?
  573. 3.5.25 The etheric body in Atlantis
  574. 3.1.1 An age where things move extraordinary fast
  575. 3.5.7 Crossing the river of Lethe
  576. 3.11.6 In terms of subtle bodies, what happens when an overweight child going through puberty suddenly becomes slim?
  577. 2.1.1 Clarity
  578. 3.19.11 According to the Bible, what is the very first thing Noah did after coming out of the ark?
  579. 2.2.6 Magic of the Valley of Light
  580. 3.6.5 The spectrum of consciousness
  581. 4.3.9 Practice - a personal reflection on time windows
  582. 3.4.11 Kidney and astral body
  583. 3.10.4 Why should people who take painkillers be especially careful when driving?
  584. 3.15.6 Helping the dead during the phase of afterlife wandering
  585. 3.7.3 Meditation - how
  586. 4.4.2 Ba gua, the 8 trigrams
  587. 2.4.8 Central axis practices with dead time
  588. 3.4.20 Inner vibration, light and sound
  589. 3.9.1 The moment of death - taking the right angle
  590. 2.3.6 Tuning into food
  591. 2.4.3 Don't expect everything to work immediately!
  592. 3.1.5 Why meditate?
  593. 3.21.13 What stage will the animals of the Ancient Sun be at, during the Venus manvantara?
  594. 3.9.14 But then, is growth due to the etheric, or to somatotropin?
  595. 3.19.13 Alcohol and subtle bodies
  596. 4.1 Night Practice 1
  597. 2.2.3 Liquefaction, part 1
  598. 2.4.6 Musical image - Masters of Copper
  599. 3.1.5 Contradictions of our epoch
  600. 2.1.9 Musical image - fire dance
  601. 3.22.7 The fall in terms of subtle bodies
  602. 3.13.3 What is the meaning of a sigh?
  603. 3.13.5 Practicalities and resolving unfinished business
  604. 2.1.5 Eye-heart axis
  605. 3.12.3 Spiritual realms
  606. 3.5.24 Atlantis and the ancestor of acupuncture
  607. 3.19.8 Why does eating sweets make agitated people feel good - for a while
  608. 3.10.1 Importance of the period of immediate afterlife wandering
  609. 3.0.1 Welcome
  610. 3.1.6 If you have to use a CRT monitor
  611. 3.7.4 What exactly is meant by 'astral body'?
  612. 3.2.4 Tibetan techniques
  613. 3.15.2 Mourning - energetic management
  614. 3.2.8 Before you can be super-normal, you have to be normal
  615. 3.1.3 Never think about getting out of the mind
  616. 3.8.6 Ego and body warmth
  617. 3.22.9 In the middle of the Lemurian age
  618. 3.13.6 The moment of crossing
  619. 3.1.2 Prana
  620. 3.10.1 In terms of subtle bodies, to what does pain correspond?
  621. 3.11.20 Anorexia nervosa, mother and Moon
  622. 3.1.11 Chair or no chair, the dilemma
  623. 3.11.12 What elements point to an involvement of the Ego in the menstrual cycle?
  624. 3.3.3 Tips for people who don't feel any vibration
  625. 3.2.8 The breath stops
  626. 4.3.5 Why use the left hand?
  627. 3.3.5 Meaning of the term vibration
  628. 3.5.1 Contextualising
  629. 3.1.8 Interaction between electromagnetic phenomena and etheric
  630. 2.2.9 Musical image - Hexagram 41
  631. 2.3.4 Divine intoxication
  632. 3.14.1 Is it pathological to have one's astral body over- or under-incarnated? Should it treated?
  633. 3.11.18 In terms of the incarnation balance, what is the meaning of anorexia nervosa?
  634. 2.4.6 Night practice
  635. 3.17.14 Will centre versus navel chakra (maṇipṻra-cakra)
  636. 2.3.7 Musical image - vortex
  637. 2.2.2 Empowering the client – seek inside
  638. 3.9.4 In terms of subtle bodies, why is there a need for sleep?
  639. 3.1.4 Use laptops when possible
  640. 3.2.4 The etheric expressing into the physical
  641. 2.3.4 Silent throat friction
  642. 3.5.23 The etheric and surgical breakthroughs of the future
  643. 3.2.5 What are the qualities?
  644. 2.3.14 Etheric excretion
  645. 2.4.9 The fundamental fourfold rhythm
  646. 3.5.10 Gateways
  647. 3.1.1 What is meditation?
  648. 2.4.7 Structures
  649. 3.15.12 Conclusion
  650. 3.2.1 Scope of these talks
  651. 3.14.6 How is stress related to over-incarnation of the astral?
  652. 4.2.7 Aspiration
  653. 2.4.1 Ancient volcanoes and copper mines
  654. 3.3.2 But what exactly reincarnates?
  655. 3.14.15 In terms of subtle bodies, how can we interpret the fact that today's women start menstruating about 5 years earlier than they did 100 years ago?
  656. 2.4.5 Fourfold model – charges
  657. 3.11.15 Why is it not uncommon for women to feel emotional around the time of menstruation?
  658. 2.2.6 Practice with dissonant notes
  659. 3.7.5 Emerald Tablet
  660. Introduction
  661. 3.1.5 The term etheric
  662. 3.19.16 In a day, most normal individuals drink around two litres of fluid. Alcoholics, however, can drink up to eight litres of wine. In terms of subtle bodies, what does this indicate?
  663. 4.2.3 Space
  664. 3.1.6 Initiates versus Ahrimanic heroes
  665. 3.3.4 Going shopping
  666. 3.10.4 Death at the cinema - weak points and discrepancies
  667. 2.1.1 Valley of Light
  668. 3.18 Deserts and Pyramids
  669. 2.4.12 Musical image - grace
  670. 3.3.12 Bodies, envelopes and vehicles
  671. 2.1.2 Method and goals
  672. 2.2.11 Fire dance
  673. 3.11.17 Why is it logical that menstruation should start with puberty?
  674. 3.7.15 Astral body and invaginations
  675. 2.4.4 Hexagram 62 - Preponderance of the Small
  676. 3.19.18 Aurum Metallicum and homeopathy
  677. 3.5.2 The myth of Er in the Republic
  678. 4.5.1 On for a gentle ride
  679. 3.11.5 Limbo states
  680. 2.4.11 The cosmic harp and the web of love
  681. 3.5 The etheric body
  682. 3.3.1 Introduction
  683. 3.2.8 Which body?
  684. 3.5.11 The body of formative forces
  685. 3.10.3 What is the action of painkillers on subtle bodies?
  686. 3.1.11 Wash your hands from time to time
  687. 3.5.17 How old is the oldest living being on Earth?
  688. 3.15.11 The mediation technique
  689. 3.12.4 Variations in the journey to the Archetype
  690. 3.9.10 What is the best remedy for this problem?
  691. 3.14.9 In modern life, which factors favour a greater incarnation of the astral?
  692. 2.1.2 Hexagram 20 - Meditation
  693. 3.14.3 Human beings' main problem seems to be their lack of awareness and lack of presence. In other words, they are not fully incarnated on Earth. Therefore, how can anyone be too incarnated?
  694. 3.8.10 INRI
  695. 2.2.9 Superior stillness
  696. 4.2.2 Light
  697. 3.2.6 The question of visualisations
  698. 2.3.6 Homework
  699. 3.2.3 Active attitude to the knowledge
  700. 3.2.1 Miraculous cure
  701. 3.4.10 Where things can go wrong
  702. 3.1.17 Soporized by your machine? Uplift.
  703. 2.4.7 Night practice
  704. 3.14.13 How can amenorrhea be related to a problem of incarnation of the astral body?
  705. 2.4.3 Love from/with guts
  706. 3.17.23 What kind of third eye awareness favours astral incarnation, and what kind reduces it?
  707. 3.9.3 Teachings about the nine gates
  708. 3.3.8 Reconciling myth and mapping - the function of models
  709. 3.2.2 Modern western world and incarnation of the astral
  710. 2.3.9 Hexagram 51 - Thunder
  711. 3.18.11 Space journeys
  712. 3.5.10 Recap
  713. 3.4.14 Flame, empathy and altars
  714. 4.2.6 Verticality and transfer of consciousness
  715. 3.10.2 What happens to subtle bodies during anaesthesia?
  716. 3.2.2 Contextualising the qualities - harmony of the spheres
  717. 2.3.3 Hexagram 46
  718. 3.5.8 Breathing through someone else's nose
  719. 3.2.6 Working with qualities
  720. 3.22.8 The tree of Life and Adam's huge mistake
  721. 2.3.9 Musical image - intermediary worlds
  722. 3.5.4 Etheric and rocks
  723. 3.1.1 Introduction
  724. 3.4.7 Hearing sound
  725. 2.3.7 The bath, practical indications
  726. 3.16.18 Why is it a huge mistake to prescribe fasting or a strict vegetarian diet to a schizophrenic?
  727. 3.3.8 The three śarīras and the five kośas of Vedānta
  728. 3.4.11 Drugs
  729. 2.1.8 Musical image - Lehrmon's heart
  730. 3.5.5 The creation as a spindle
  731. 2.3.4 Attitude
  732. 3.6.3 Awareness
  733. 3.12.3 Amphetamines
  734. 3.4.1 Is this experience OK?
  735. 3.14.1 Acceptance and resolving unfinished business
  736. 2.1.5 Night practice
  737. 3.14.12 In terms of subtle bodies, how can stress create a nervous breakdown?
  738. 3.6.7 Cosmic consciousness
  739. 2.1.6 Musical image - tree houses
  740. 2.1.3 Vertex
  741. 2.2.3 Hexagrams 11 and 12
  742. 3.4.4 People
  743. 4.4.6 The Yi Jing's consciousness
  744. 2.2.5 Resolution at the center of the maze
  745. 2.7.2 Involution-conducive environment
  746. 3.14.2 Readings
  747. 2.3.11 Hexagram 50 - the Cauldron
  748. 3.1.8 Awakened vs strong etheric body
  749. 3.2.3 Other contributions to the picture of near death experience
  750. 3.9.5 Clear light - deconstructing cliches
  751. 3.2.9 Christmas pudding and integration of the work into daily activities
  752. 3.1.10 Don't sleep with your computer
  753. 3.18.16 In terms of subtle bodies, what is the effect of pyramids?
  754. 3.1.7 Separation
  755. 3.6.4 Psychic sleep
  756. 3.10.9 What happens when you move your arm
  757. 3.2.10 Conclusion
  758. 3.14.11 In a 'nervous breakdown' with no energy, a feeling of weakness and loss of pep, is the astral body insufficiently or over-incarnated?
  759. 3.7.11 So what exactly do we mean when we use the word 'soul'?
  760. 4.5.5 Interpreting the trigrams
  761. 3.3.8 Fluctuations - meteorology of energies
  762. 3.2.6 Spots
  763. 3.5.6 The drawing of lots and the choice of the next life
  764. 2.3.11 Musical image - mysteries of water
  765. 3.18.14 Mummification
  766. 3.3.6 Body of immortality
  767. 2.3.15 The end
  768. 3.9.13 Why do children grow more during the night than during the day?
  769. 3.7.17 Aura and subtle bodies
  770. 3.18.13 Edgar Cayce and the builders of the pyramids
  771. 3.1.6 Etheric body and etheric world
  772. 3.22.5 The beginning of death
  773. 3.18.8 The meaning of forty days in the desert
  774. 3.11.11 What obvious analogy is there between the Moon cycle and the menstrual cycle?
  775. 3.4.6 Liver and the etheric body
  776. 2.3.1 Hello
  777. 4.3 Night Practice 3
  778. 3.5.3 Etheric body and vibration
  779. 3.3.6 Nature
  780. 3.12.5 The nature of the mind is to grasp
  781. 3.11.3 What signs indicate that the astral body incarnates at puberty?
  782. 3.3.4 How do I know that my vibration isn't physical?
  783. 3.19.15 Tremulousness
  784. 3.21.19 The value of sourcing
  785. 2.3.7 Sexuality
  786. 2.2.3 Throat friction technicalities
  787. 3.16.20 The Sanskrit word for fasting is upavāsa, interpreted as 'sitting with the Lord'. In terms of subtle bodies, what does this evoke?
  788. 3.3.5 Western esoteric tradition
  789. 3.22.2 The name of the present age (5th age)
  790. 4.6.1 Welcome to the top of Fu Xi's mountain
  791. 3.14.4 Since the astral body's reactions are the main obstacle to Ego enlightenment, shouldn't we try to erase the astral body altogether? How could insufficient incarnation of the astral body be a problem?
  792. 2.1.11 Practical indications
  793. 2.2.5 The envelopes of the heart and of the Larynx
  794. 3.16.17 In terms of subtle bodies, what is the main argument of people who advocate a vegetarian diet?
  795. 3.2.9 Falling asleep
  796. 2.4.12 Fourfold cycle and wu xing
  797. 3.2.1 The method suggested in this chapter
  798. 3.2.10 A spiritual path must be systematic - a training
  799. 3.1.3 Use extension cords
  800. 3.21.9 The two meanings of the word hierarchy
  801. 3.2.2 Let them come, let them go
  802. 3.7.14 Astral body and embryology
  803. 3.7.16 The cliché of the auric egg
  804. 3.8.9 Alchemy, art and science of fire
  805. 3.8.4 A few words about euthanasia
  806. 2.4.9 Lighting the flame
  807. 3.4.4 Karma - the two schools
  808. 3.4.5 Seeing faces
  809. 3.3.9 Never too late to do ISIS
  810. 3.14.7 Sedatives and tranquilisers can lower blood pressure. In terms of subtle bodies,why?
  811. 3.10.8 Recap
  812. 3.9.5 One minute of dreaming can produce experiences that seem to last for hours. What does this reflect in terms of subtle bodies?
  813. 3.5.8 The link between physical and etheric bodies
  814. 3.14 The Incarnation Balance
  815. 3.8.2 Pre-death opening
  816. 3.5.5 Plants and astrality
  817. 2.4.4 Night practice
  818. 2.1.5 The art of tuning in
  819. 3.13.4 Spiritual practices


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